Nathaniel Bowden

Portrait of  Nathaniel Bowden
  • Title
    Group Leader, Rare Event Detection
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-4923
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

Dr. Bowden’s research interests include neutrino physics, reactor antineutrino detection technology, nuclear data measurement, fast neutron imaging, and fast neutron spectroscopy. During his career at Sandia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, he has successfully combined the pursuit of fundamental physics measurements with the effort that seeks to apply cutting edge technologies to real-world problems. He is the co-spokesperson of the PROSPECT neutrino oscillation experiment and a member of the NIFFTE collaboration.

Ph.D. Physics, Harvard University, 2004

A.M. Physics, Harvard University, 2001

M.Sc. Physics, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1998

B.Sc. Physics & Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1996

INSPIRE - Google Scholar - ORCID

  1. M. Andriamirado, et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), Improved Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Search and Energy Spectrum Measurement with the PROSPECT Experiment at HFIR, Accepted for Physical Review D
  2. Adam Bernstein, Nathaniel Bowden, Bethany L. Goldblum, Patrick Huber, Igor Jovanovic, and John Mattingly, Colloquium: Neutrino detectors as tools for nuclear security, 92 (2020) 011003, Reviews of Modern Physics 
  3. J. Ashenfelter, et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), Measurement of the Antineutrino Spectrum from U-235 Fission at HFIR with PROSPECT, Physical Review Letters 122 (2019) 251801,
  4. J. Ashenfelter, et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), First search for short-baseline neutrino oscillations at HFIR with PROSPECT, Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 251802,
  5. R.J. Casperson, et al. (NIFFTE Collaboration), Measurement of the normalized 238U(n,f)/ 235U(n,f) cross section ratio from threshold to 30 MeV with the fission Time Projection Chamber, Physical Review C 97 (2018) 034618,
  6. J. Ashenfelter, et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), The PROSPECT Physics Program, Journal of Physics G 43 (2016) 113001,
  7. J. Ashenfelter, et al. (PROSPECT Collaboration), Background Radiation Measurements at High Power Research Reactors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 806 (2015) 401,
  8. Y. Abe et al. (Double Chooz Collaboration), Indication of Reactor ν¯e Disappearance in the Double Chooz Experiment, Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 131801,
  9. N.S. Bowden, M. Sweany, S. Dazeley, A Note on Neutron Capture Correlation Signals, Backgrounds, and Efficiencies, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 693 (2012) 209,
  10. N.S. Bowden, M. Heffner, G. Carosi, D. Carter, P. O'Malley, J. Mintz, M. Foxe, I. Jovanovic, Directional Fast Neutron Detection Using a Time Projection Chamber, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 624 (2010) 153,
  11. N.S. Bowden, P. Marleau, J.T. Steele, S. Mrowka, G. Aigeldinger, W. Mengesha, Improved Fast Neutron Spectroscopy via Detector Segmentation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 609 (2009) 32,
  12. N.S. Bowden, A. Bernstein, S. Dazeley, R. Svoboda, A. Misner, T. Palmer, Observation of the Isotopic Evolution of PWR Fuel Using an Antineutrino Detector, Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 064902,
  13. A. Bernstein, N.S. Bowden, A. Misner, T. Palmer, Monitoring the Thermal Power of Nuclear Reactors with a Prototype Cubic Meter Antineutrino Detector, Journal of Applied Physics 103 (2008) 074905,
  14. N.S. Bowden, et al., Experimental results from an antineutrino detector for cooperative monitoring of nuclear reactors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 572 (2007) 985,
  • Physical and Life Sciences Directorate Excellence in Publication Award, 2021
  • LLNL Director's Science and Technology Award (PROSPECT), 2019
  • Physical and Life Sciences Directorate Science and Technology Award (PROSPECT), 2018
  • Physical and Life Sciences Directorate Science and Technology Award (NIFFTE), 2017
  • Global Security External Directorate Review Committee Award for Best Presentation, 2010
  • Physical Sciences Directorate Award for Best Paper, 2008
  • Gertrude & Maurice Goldhaber Prize (Harvard University Physics Department), 2002
  • Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship (Harvard University), 1998-2000
  • Dean of Science Prize (University of Auckland), 1998