Richard K. Bibby

Portrait of  Richard K. Bibby
  • Title
    EMRL Lead Manager
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-4386
  • Organization
    Not Available


Richard Bibby is lead of the Environmental Radioanalytical Monitoring Laboratory (EMRL), which specializes in analysis of radioisotopes in environmental matrices. He utilizes bench chemistry methods and dedicated low level nuclear counting instrumentation to achieve sub-picocurie detection limits for a variety of nuclides. Additionally, he acts as Deputy Lab Manager in the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center Consequence Management (FRMAC CM), the DOE program to assist states local and tribal governments in responding to radiological events.

Research Interests

  • Environmental radiochemistry
  • Low level radiochemistry
  • Radiological emergency response

B.A. Biology, University of Chicago, 1998

  • Quantification of Groundwater Discharge in Subalpine Stream Using Radon-222, Avery, E., Bibby, R., Visser, A., Esser, B., Moran, J. (2018) Water (Switzerland) 10 (2), 100.
  • Nitrate Vulnerability Projections from Baysian Inference of Multiple Ground Water Age Tracers, Alikhani, J., Deinhart, A., Visser, A., Bibby, R., Purtschert, Moran, J., Massoudieh, A., Esser, B. (2016) Journal of Hydrology 543, 167.
  • Quantifying Apparent Groundwater Ages Near Managed Aquifer Recharge Operations Using Radio-sulfur (35S) as an Intrinsic Tracer, Clark, J.F., Uriosegui, S.H., Bibby, R.K., Esser, B.K., Tredoux, G. (2016) Water (Switzerland) 8 (11), 474.
  • Analytical Method for Measuring Cosmogenic 35S in Natural Waters, Uriostegui, S., Bibby, R., Esser, B., Clark, J. (2015) Analytical Chemistry 87.
  • Recognition for Organizing the 59th Radiobioassay and Radiochemical Measurements Conference, PLS Spot Award, 2014
  • Global Security Gold Award for work during Operation Tomodachi
  • Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Response Certificate for Excellence, NNSA, 2011