Marc Bergevin

Portrait of  Marc Bergevin
  • Title
    Staff Scientist
  • Email
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    (925) 422-8615
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

Prior to joining LLNL, Marc Bergevin was involved in the Nobel-prize winning Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment, for which he shared the 2016 Breakthrough Prize in fundamental physics. While working on the experiment, he helped to measure atmospheric neutrino parameters and performed rare event searches. He also helped measure reactor neutrino oscillation parameters as part of the reactor antineutrino Double Chooz experiment.

Bergevin joined LLNL in June 2015 and has primarily been working on the LLNL-led water Cherenkov monitor of antineutrinos (WATCHMAN) project, a newly-funded large-scale water-detector that aims to monitor a reactor complex via antineutrino detection at 25 km standoff. Part of his work at LLNL has been to devise methods to enable directional capabilities for antineutrino detectors and neutron cameras such as the organic liquid room temperature time projection chamber project, which is a Laboratory Directed Research and Development project.

Bergevin’s research interests include neutrino oscillation, neutron-antineutron oscillation, cosmic-induced radionuclide characterization, muon and pion physics, supernovas, low-energy detection, and rare-event detection techniques.

Ph.D. Physics (GWPI program), University of Guelph, 2011

  • M. Askins et al, The Physics and Nuclear Nonproliferation Goals of WATCHMAN: A WAter CHerenkov Monitor for Antineutrinos,
  • J. R. Alonso et al, Advanced Scintillator Detector Concept (ASDC): A Concept Paper on the Physics Potential of Water-Based Liquid Scintillator,
  • M. Bergevin, C. Grant and R. Svoboda, A potential sterile neutrino search utilizing spectral distortion in a two-reactor/one-detector configuration,, under review for Phys. Rev. D
  • D. G. Phillips and et al. (NNbarX Collaboration), Neutron antineutron oscillations: Theoretical status and experimental prospects, paper submitted to Physics Reports, 4 October 2014, FERMILAB-PUB-14-263-T, [hep-ex].