Graham Bench
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Research Interests
The application of accelerator based ion beam analysis (including microbeam) techniques and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) to the study of problems in the bio-medical and environmental sciences and materials characterization.
Spectroscopic quantification of extremely rare molecular species in the presence of interfering molecular absorption. T.J. Ognibene, G. Bench, A.D. McCartt, K.W. Turteltaub, C.W. Rella, S. Tan, J.A. Hoffnagle, N. Saad, E. Crosson. Patent Number: 9,645,077 B2. May 9, 2017.
Interface for the rapid analysis of liquid samples by accelerator mass spectrometry. K.W. Turteltaub, T.J. Ognibene, A. Thomas, P.F. Daley, G.A. Salazar-Quintero and G. Bench. Patent number 8,642,953. February 4, 2014.
System for Trapping and Storing Gasses for Subsequent Chemical Reduction to Solids. J.S. Vogel, T.J. Ognibene, G. Bench and G.F. Peaslee. Patent number 7,611,903. November 3, 2009.
Quantitation of Absorbed or Deposited Materials on a Substrate that Measures Energy deposition. P.G. Grant, O. Bakajin, J.S. Vogel and G. Bench. Patent number 6,844,543. January 18, 2005.
Ph.D. Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1992
B.Sc. (hons.) Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1987
B.Sc. (hons.) Physics and Math, University of Melbourne, Australia, 1986
Hummel, J.M., Madeen, E.P., Siddens, L.K., Uesugi, S.L., McQuistan, T., Anderson, K.A., Turteltaub, K.W., Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G., Krueger, S.K., Harris, S., Smith, J., Tilton, S.C., Baird, W.M. and Williams, D.E. “Pharmacokinetics of [14C]-Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in Humans: Impact of Co-Administration of Smoked Salmon and BaP Dietary Restriction.” Food and Chemical Toxicology, 15, (2018), 136-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2018.03.003.
Enright, H.A., Falso, M.J.S., Malfatti, M.A., Lao, V., Kuhn, E.A., Hum, N., Shi, Y.L., Sales, A.P., Haack, KW., Kulp, K.S., Buchholz, B.A., Loots, G.G., Bench, G. and Turteltaub, K.W. “Maternal Exposure to an Environmentally Relevant Dose of Triclocarban Results in Perinatal Exposure and Potential Alterations in Offspring Development in the Mouse Model.” PLoS One, 12, (2017), e0181996. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181996.
Madeen, E.P., Ognibene, T.J., Corley R.A., McQuistan, T.J., Henderson, M.C., Baird, W.M., Bench, G., Turteltaub, K.W. and Williams, D.E. “Human Microdosing with Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: In Vivo Pharmacokinetics of Dibenzo[def,p]chrysene and Metabolites by UPLC Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.” Chemical Research in Toxicology, 29, (2016), 1641-1650. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.6b00169.
McCartt, A.D., Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G. and Turteltaub, K.W. “Quantifying Carbon-14 for Biology using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy.” Analytical Chemistry, 88, (2016), 8714-8719. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02054.
McCartt, A.D., Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G. and Turteltaub, K.W. “Measurements of Carbon-14 with Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B361, (2015), 277-280. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.05.036.
Ognibene, T.J., Haack, K.W., Bench, G., Brown, T.A. and Turteltaub, K.W. “Operation of the ‘Small’ BioAMS Spectrometers at CAMS: Past and Future Prospects.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B361, (2015), 54-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.05.019.
Ognibene, T.J., Thomas, A.T., Daley, P.F., Bench, G. and Turteltaub, K.W. “An Interface for the Direct Coupling of Small Liquid Samples to AMS.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B361, (2015), 173-177. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.05.018.
Joshi, T.H., Sangiorgio, S., Mozin, V., Norman, E.B., Sorensen, P., Foxe, M., Bench, G. and Bernstein, A. “Design and Demonstration of a Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Source.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B333, (2014), 6-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2014.04.008.
McCartt, A.D., Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G. and Turteltaub, K.W. “Model-based, Closed-loop Control of PZT Creep for Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy.” Measurement Science and Technology, 25, (2014), 095201 (6pp). DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/25/9/095201.
Buchholz, B.A., Fallon S.J., Zermeño, P., Bench G. and Schichtel, B.A. “Anomalous Elevated Radiocarbon Measurements of PM2.5.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B294, (2013), 631-635. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.05.021.
Stewart, B.J., Navid, A.; Kulp, K.S., Knaack, J.L.S. and Bench G. “D-Lactate Production as a Function of Glucose Metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Yeast, 30, (2013), 81-91. DOI: 10.1002/yea.2942.
Szidat, S., Bench, G., Bernardoni, V., Calzolai, G., Czimczik, C., Derendorp, L., Dusek, U., Elder, K., Fedi, M.E., Genberg, J., Gustafsson, O., Kirillova, E., Kondo, M., McNichol, A.P., Perron, N., Santos, G.M., Stenström, K., Swietlicki, E., Uchida, M., Vecchi, R., Wacker, L., Zhang, Y.L. and Prévôt, A.S.H. “Intercomparison of 14C Analysis of Carbonaceous Aerosols: Exercise 2009.” Radiocarbon, 55, (2013), 1496-1509. DOI: 10.2458/azu_js_rc.55.16314.
Thomas, A.T., Stewart, B.J., Ognibene, T.J., Turteltaub, K.W. and Bench G. “Directly coupled HPLC-AMS Measurement of Chemically-modified Protein and Peptides.” Analytical Chemistry, 85, (2013), 3644-3650. DOI: 10.1021/ac303609n.
Thomas, A., Ognibene, T., Daley, P., Turteltaub, K., Radousky, H. and Bench, G. “Ultrahigh Efficiency Moving Wire Combustion Interface for Online Coupling of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).” Analytical Chemistry, 83, (2011), 9413-9417. DOI: 10.1021/ac202013s.
Worton, D.R., Goldstein, A.H., Farmer, D.K., Docherty, J.L. Jimenez, K.S., Gilman, J.B., Kuster, W.C., de Gouw, J., Williams, B.J., Kreisberg, N.M., Hering, S.V., Bench, G., McKay, M., Kristensen, M.K., Glasius, M., Surratt, J.D. and Seinfeld, J.H. “Origins and Composition of Fine Atmospheric Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, (2011), 10219-10241. DOI: 10.5194/acp-11-10219-2011.
Blanchette, C.D, Fischer, N.O., Corzett, M.H., Bench, G. and Hoeprich, P.D. Kinetic Analysis of His-tagged Protein Binding to Nickel-chelating Nanolipoprotein Particles. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 21(7), (2010), 1321-1330. DOI: 10.1021/bc100129s.
Fischer, N.O., Blanchette, C.D., Segelke, B.W., Corzett, M., Chromy, B.A., Kuhn, E.A., Bench, G. and Hoeprich, P.D. “Isolation, Characterization, and Stability of Discretely-sized Nanolipoprotein Particles Assembled with Apolipophorin-III.” PLoS One, 5(7), (2010), e11643. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0011643.
Links, J., Palmblad, M., Ognibene, T., Turteltaub, K. and Bench, G. “Quantitative Metabolism using AMS: Choosing a Labeled Precursor.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B268, (2010), 1309-1312. DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.160.
Stewart, B.J., Navid, A., Turteltaub, K.W. and Bench, G. “Yeast Dynamic Metabolic Flux Measurement in Nutrient-Rich Media by HPLC and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Chemistry, 82(23), (2010), 9812-9817. DOI: 10.1021/ac102065f.
Blanchette, C.D., Cappuccio, J.A., Kuhn, E.A., Segelke, B.W., Benner, W.H., Chromy, B.A., Coleman, M.A., Bench, G., Hoeprich, P.D. and Sulchek, T.A. “Atomic Force Microscopy Differentiates Discrete Size Distributions between Membrane Protein Containing and Empty Nanolipoprotein Particles.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1788, (2009), 724-731. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.11.019.
Blanchette, C.D., Segelke, B.W., Fischer, N., Corzett, M.H., Kuhn, E.A., Cappuccio, J.A., Benner, W.H., Coleman, M.A., Chromy, B.A., Bench, G., Hoeprich, P.D. and Sulchek, T.A. “Characterization and Purification of Polydisperse Reconstituted Lipoproteins and Nanolipoprotein Particles.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10, (2009), 2958-2971. DOI: 10.3390/ijms10072958.
Fischer, N.O., Blanchette, C.D., Chromy, B.A., Kuhn, E.A., Segelke, B.W., Corzett, M., Bench, G., Mason, P.W. and Hoeprich, P.D. “Immobilization of His-tagged Proteins on Nickel-chelating Nanolipoprotein Particles.” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 20, (2009), 460-465. DOI: 10.1021/bc8003155.
Jubert, C., Mata, J., Bench, G., Dashwood, R., Pereira, C., Tracewell, W., Turteltaub, K., Williams, D. and Bailey, G. “Effects of Chlorophyll and Chlorophyllin on Low-dose Aflatoxin B1 Pharmacokinetics in Human Volunteers: A pilot study.” Cancer Prevention Research, 2(12), (2009), 1015-1022. DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-09-0099.
Sporty, J., Lin, S.J., Kato, M., Ognibene, T., Stewart, B., Turteltaub, K. and Bench, G. “Quantitation of NAD+ Biosynthesis from the Salvage Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Yeast, 26, (2009), 363-369. DOI: 10.1002/yea.1671.
Blanchette, C., Law, R., Benner, W., Pesavento, J., Cappuccio, J., Walsworth, V., Kuhn, E., Corzett, M., Chromy, B., Segelke, B., Coleman, M., Bench, G., Hoeprich, P. and Sulchek, T. “Quantifying Size Distributions of Nanolipoprotein Particles with Single-particle Analysis and Molecular Dynamic Simulations.” Journal of Lipid Research, 49, (2008), 1420-1430. DOI: 10.1194/jlr.M700586-JLR200.
Cappuccio, J.A., Blanchette, C.D., Sulchek, T.A., Arroyo, E.S., Kralj, J.M., Hinz, A.K., Kuhn, E.A., Chromy, B.A., Segelke, B.W., Rothschild, K.J., Fletcher, J., Katzen, F., Peterson, T.C., Kudlicki, W.A., Bench, G., Hoeprich, P.D. and Coleman, M.A. “Cell-free Protein Co-expression of Functional Membrane Proteins and Apolipoprotein Forming Soluble Nanolipoprotein Particles.” Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 7, (2008), 2246-2253. DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M800191-MCP200.
Holt, E.A. and Bench, G. “14C/C Measurements Support Andreev’s Internode Method to Determine Lichen Growth Rates in Cladina stygia (Fr.) Ahti.” Lichenologist, 40, (2008), 559-565. DOI: 10.1017/S0024282908008062.
Schichtel, B., Malm, W., Bench, G., Fallon, S., McDade, C., Chow, J. and Watson, J. “Fossil and Contemporary Fine Carbon Fractions at 12 Rural and Urban Sites in the United States.” Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D02311, (2008). DOI: 10.1029/2007JD008605.
Sporty, J.L., Kabir, M.M., Turteltaub, K.W., Ognibene, T., Lin, S.J. and Bench, G. “Single Sample Extraction and HPLC Processing for Quantification of Nad and Nadh Levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Journal of Separation Science, 31, (2008), 3202-3211. DOI: 10.1002/jssc.200800238.
Bench, G., Fallon, S., Schichtel, B., Malm, W. and McDade, C. “Relative Contributions of Fossil and Contemporary Carbon Sources to PM 2.5 Aerosols at Nine Interagency Monitoring for Protection of Visual Environments (IMPROVE) Network Sites.” Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D10205, (2007). DOI: 10.1029/2006JD007708.
Chromy, B., Arroyo, E., Blanchette, C., Bench, G., Benner, H., Cappuccio, J., Coleman, M., Henderson, P., Hinz, A., Kuhn, E., Pesavento, J., Segelke, B., Sulchek, T., Tarasow, T., Walsworth, V. and Hoeprich, P. “Different Apolipoproteins Impact Nanolipoprotein Particle Formation.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 129, (2007), 14348-14354. DOI: 10.1021/ja074753y.
Goodwin, M.B., Grant, P.G., Bench, G. and Holroyd, P.A. “The Elemental Composition and Diagenetic Alteration of Dinosaur Bone: Distinguishing Micron-scale Spatial and Composition Heterogeneity using PIXE.” Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 253, (2007), 458-476. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.06.017.
Ognibene T.J., G. Bench, G., Brown, T.A. and Vogel, J.S. “Ion-Optics Calculations and Preliminary Precision Estimates of the Gas-Capable Ion Source for the 1-MV LLNL BioAMS Spectrometer.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B259, (2007), 100-105.
Vogel, J.S., Palmblad, N.M., Ognibene, T., Kabir, M.M., Buchholz, B.A. and Bench, G. “Biochemical Paths in Humans and Cells: Frontiers of AMS Bioanalysis.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B259, (2007), 745-751.
Reaney, S.H., Bench, G. and Smith, D.R. “Brain Accumulation and Toxicity of Mn(II) and MN(III) Exposures.” Toxicological Sciences, 93, (2006), 114-124.
Lewis, J., Bench, G., Myers, O., Tinner, B., Staines, W., Barr, E., Divine, K., Barrington, W. and Karlsson, J. “Trigeminal Uptake and Clearance of Inhaled Manganese Chloride in Rats and Mice.” Neurotoxicology, 26/1, (2005), 113-123.
Palmblad, M., Bench, G. and Vogel, J.S. “Mass by Energy Loss Quantitation as a Practical Sub-microgram Balance.” Analytical Chemistry, 77, (2005), 952-953. DOI: 10.1021/ac048560u.
Ting, L.M., Shi, W., Lewandowicz, A., Singh, V., Mwakingwe, A., Birck, M.R., Taylor Ringia, E.A., Bench, G., Madrid, D.C., Tyler, P.C., Evans, G.B., Furneaux, R.H., Schramm, V.L. and Kami, K. “Targeting a Novel Plasmodium falciparum Purine Recycling Pathway with Specific Immucillins.” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, (2005), 9547-9554; DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M412693200.
Behne, M.J., Aronchik, I., Epstein, E., Bench, G., Bikle, D.D., Pozzan, T. and Mauro, T.M. “Human Keratinocyte ATP2C1 Localizes to the Golgi and Controls Golgi Ca2+ Stores.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 121, (2003), 688-694.
Bench, G. and Herkes, P. “Measurement of Contemporary and Fossil Carbon Contents of PM 2.5 Aerosols: Results from Turtleback Dome, Yosemite National Park.” Environmental Science and Technology, 38, (2004), 2424-2427. DOI: 10.1021/es035161s.
Cahill, T.A., Cliff, S.S., Perry, K.D., Jimenez-Cruz, M., Bench, G., Grant, P.G., Ueda, D., Shackelford, J.F., Dunlap, M., Meier, M., Kelly, P.B., Riddle, S., Selco, J. and Leifer, R. “Analysis of Aerosols from the World Trade Center Collapse Site, New York, October 2 to October 30, 2001.” Aerosol Science and Technology, 38, (2004), 165-183.
Graham, G.A., Grant, P.G., Chater, R.J., Westphal, A.J., Kearsley, A.T., Snead, C., Dominguez, G., Butterworth, A.L., McPhail, D.S., Bench, G. and Bradley, J.P. “Investigation of Ion Beam Techniques for the In-situ Analysis and Exposure of Particles Encapsulated by Silica Aerogel: Applicability for Stardust.” Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 39, (2004), 1461-1474.
Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G., Brown, T.A. and Vogel, J.S. “The LLNL Accelerator Mass Spectrometry System for Biochemical 14C Measurements.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B223-224, (2004), 12-15.
Westphal, A.J., Snead, C., Butterworth, A.L., Graham, G.A., Bradley, J.P., Bajt, S., Grant, P.G., Bench, G., Brennan, S. and Piannetta, P. “Aerogel Keystones: Extraction of Complete Hypervelocity Impact Events from Aerogel Collectors.” Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 39, (2004), 1375-1386.
Aronchik, I., Behne, M.J., Leypoldt, L., Crumrine, D., Epstein, E., Ikeda, S., Mizoguchi, M., Bench, G., Pozzan, T. and Mauro, T.M. “Actin Reorganization Is Abnormal and Cellular ATP Is Decreased in Hailey-Hailey Keratinocytes.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 121, (2003), 681-687.
Bench, G., Grant, P.G., Ueda, D.L., Autry-Conwell, S.A., Hou, Y. and Boggan, J.E. “Assessment of Proton Microbeam Analysis of 11B for Quantitative Microdistribution Analysis of Boronated Neutron Capture Agent Analogs in Biomedical Tissues.” Radiation Research, 160, (2003), 667-676.
Grant, P.G., Palmblad, M., Murov, S., Hillegonds, D.J., Ueda, D.L., Vogel, J.S. and Bench G. “Alpha Particle Energy Loss Measurement of Microgram Depositions of Biomolecules.” Analytical Chemistry, 75, (2003), 4519-4524. DOI: 10.1021/ac034170g.
Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G., Vogel, J.S., Peaslee, G.F. and Murov, S. “A High Throughput Method for the Conversion of CO2 Obtained from Biochemical Samples to Graphite in Septa-sealed Vials for Quantitation of 14C via Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.” Analytical Chemistry, 75, (2003), 2192-2196. DOI: 10.1021/ac026334j.
Bench, G., Clark, B.M., Mangelson, N.F., St. Clair, L., Rees, L., Grant, P.G. and Southon, J.R. “Use of 14C/C Ratios to Provide Insights into the Magnitude of Carbon Turnover in the Crustose Saxicolous Lichen Caloplaca trachyphylla.” Lichenologist, 34, (2002), 169-180.
Bench, G., Grant, P.G., Ueda, D., Cliff, S.S., Perry K.D. and Cahill, T.A. “The use of STIM and PESA to respectively measure profiles of aerosol mass and hydrogen content across Mylar rotating drum impactor samples.” Aerosol Science and Technology, 36, (2002), 642-651.
Goodwin, M.B., Bench, G. and Grant, P.G. Comments on “Isotopic Analysis of Dinosaur Bones.” Analytical Chemistry, 74, (2002), 351A.
Ognibene, T.J., Bench, G., Brown, T.A. Peaslee G.F. and Vogel, J.S. “A New Accelerator Mass Spectrometry System for 14C Quantification of Biochemical Samples.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 218, (2002), 255-264.
Bench, G., Carlsen T., Grant, P., Wollett J., Martinelli, R., Lewis, J. and Divine, K.K. “Olfactory Bulb Uptake and Determination of Biotransfer Factors in the California Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) Exposed to Manganese and Cadmium in Environmental Habitats.” Environmental Science and Technology, 35(2), (2001), 270-277.
Bench, G., Clark, B.M., Mangelson, N.F., St. Clair, L., Rees, L., Grant, P.G. and Southon, J.R. “Accurate Lifespan Estimates Cannot Be Obtained from Radial 14C Profiles in the Crustose Lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC.” Lichenologist, 33, (2001), 539-542.
Clark, B.M., St. Clair, L.L., Mangelson, N.F., Rees, L.B., Grant, P.G. and Bench, G. “Characterization of Mycobiont Adaptations in the Foliose Lichen Xanthoparmelia chlorochroa (Parmeliaceae).” American Journal of Botany, 88, (2001), 1742-1749.
Cullander, C., Grant, P.G., Bench, G. “Development of a Low-metal Adhesive Tape to Detect and Localize Metals in or on the Stratum Corneum at Parts per Million Levels.” Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, 14, (2001), 46-51.
Bench, G., Corzett, M.H., Kramer, C.E., Grant, P.G. and Balhorn, R. “Zinc Is Sufficiently Abundant within Mammalian Sperm Nuclei to Bind Stoichiometrically with Protamine 2.” Molecular Reproduction and Development, 56, (2000), 512-519.
Clark, B.M., Mangelson N.F., St. Clair, L.L., Rees, L.B., Bench, G. and Southon, J. “Measurement of Age and Growth Rate in a Crustose Saxicolous Lichen Caloplaca trachyphylla using 14C Accelerator Mass Spectrometry.” Lichenologist, 32, (2000), 399-403.
Cullander, C., Jeske, S., Imbert, D., Grant, P.G. and Bench, G. “A Quantitative Minimally Invasive Assay for the Detection of Metals in the Stratum Corneum.” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 22, (2000), 265-279.
Hu, Z., Bonifas, J.M., Beech, J., Bench, G., Shigihara, T., Ogawa, H., Ikeda, S., Mauro, T. and Epstein, H.E. “Mutations in ATP2C1, Encoding a Calcium Pump, Cause Hailey-Hailey Disease.” Nature Genetics, 24, (2000), 61-65.
Bench, G., Corzett, M.H., Martinelli, R. and Balhorn, R. “Cadmium Concentrations in the Testes, Sperm and Spermatids of Mice Subjected to Long Term Cadmium Chloride Exposure.” Cytometry, 35, (1999), 30-36.
Clark, B.M., Mangelson, N.F., St. Clair, L.L., Gardner, J.S., Cooper, L.S., Rees, L.B., Grant, P.G. and Bench, G.S. “Analysis of Lichen Thin Sections by PIXE and STIM using a Proton Microprobe.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B150, (1999), 248-253.
Divine, K. Grant, P.G. Lewis, J. and Bench, G. “Quantitative Particle Induced X-ray Emission Imaging of Rat Olfactory Epithelium Applied to the Permeability of Rat Epithelium to Inhaled Aluminum.” Chemical Research in Toxicology, 12, (1999), 575-581.
Morse, D.H., Antolak, A.J., Bench, G.S. and Roberts, M.L. “A Flexible Labview Based Data Acquisition and Analysis System for Scanning Microscopy.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B158, (1999), 146-152.
Roberts, M.L. Grant, P.G., Bench, G., Brown, T.A., Frantz, B.R., Morse, D.H. and Antolak, A.J. “The Stand-alone Microprobe at Livermore.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B158, (1999), 24-30.
Bench, G., Corzett, M.H. de Yebra, L. Oliva, R. and Balhorn, R. “Protein and DNA Contents in Sperm from an Infertile Human Male Possessing Protamine Defects that Vary over Time.” Molecular Reproduction and Development, 50, (1998), 345-353.
Elias, P.M., Nau, P., Hanley, K., Cullander, C., Cumrine, D., Bench, G., Sideras-Haddad, E., Mauro, T., Williams, M.L. and Feingold, K.R. “Formation of the Epidermal Calcium Gradient Coincides with Key Milestones of Barrier Ontogenesis in the Rodent.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 110, (1998), 399-404.
Mauro, T., Bench, G., Sideras-Haddad, E., Feingold, K.R., Elias, P.M. and Cullander, C. “Acute Barrier Perturbation Abolishes the Ca2+ and K+ Gradients in Murine Epidermis – Quantitative Measurement using PIXE.” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 111, (1998), 1198-1201.
Mauthe, R.J., Sideras-Haddad, E., Turteltaub, K.W. and Bench, G. “Quantitative Imaging Microscopy for the Sensitive Detection of Administered Metal Containing Drugs in Single Cells and Tissue Slices – a Demonstration using Platinum Based Chemotherapeutic Agents.” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 17, (1998), 651-663.
Antolak, A.J., Morse, D.H., Heikkinen, D.W., Roberts, M.L. and Bench, G. “In-situ Characterization of Micron-scale Particles by Nuclear Microscopy.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B130, (1997), 211-218.
Bench, G., Freeman, S., Roberts, M. and Sideras-Haddad, E. “The Bioscience Nuclear Microscopy Program at LLNL.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B130, (1997), 419-425.
Formenti, P., Breese, M., Connell, S., Doyle, B., Drummond, M., Machi, I., Maclear, R., Schaaff, P., Sellschop, J., Bench, G., Sideras-Haddad, E., Antolak, A. and Morse, D. “Heavy Ion and Proton Beams in High Resolution Imaging of a Fungi Spore using STIM Tomography.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B130, (1997), 230-236.
Moa-Qiang, M., Mauro, T., Bench, G., Warren, R., Elias, P.M. and Feingold, K.B. “Calcium and Potassium Inhibit Barrier Recovery after Disruption, Independent of the Type of Insult.” Experimental Dermatology, 6, (1997), 36-40.
Morse, D., Antolak, A., Bench, G., Heikkinen, D., Roberts, M. and Sideras-Haddad, E. “Materials Analysis at the SNL/LLNL Nuclear Microprobe.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B130, (1997), 740-745.
Roberts, M.L., Bench, G., Brown, T., Caffee, M., Finkel, R., Freeman, S., Hainsworth, L.J., Kashgarian, M., McAninch, J.E., Proctor, I.D., Southon, J.R. and Vogel, J.S. “The LLNL AMS Facility.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B123, (1997), 57-61.
Sideras-Haddad, E., Heikkinen, D.W., Connell, S.H., Caffee, M.W., Roberts, M.L., Bench, G., Morse, D.H., Meike, A. and Bourcier, W. “3-Dimensional Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Hydrogen in Materials for Use in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B130, (1997), 259-263.
Bench, G.S., Friz, A.M., Corzett, M.H., Morse D.H. and Balhorn, R. “DNA and Total Protamine Masses in Individual Sperm from Fertile Mammalian Subjects.” Cytometry, 23, (1996), 263-271.
Hildner, M.L., Antolak, A.J. and Bench, G.S. “Improved Fitting of PIXE Spectra: the Voigt Profile and Si(Li) Detector Modeling.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, A373, (1996), 124-130.
Antolak, A.J., Bench, G.S. and Hildner, M.L. “Enhancements in the Livermore Spectrum Analysis Package PIXEF.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B99, (1995), 406-409.
Bench, G.S., Balhorn, R. and Friz, A.M. “Nuclear Microscopy of Sperm Cell Elemental Structure.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B99, (1995), 553-556.
Freeman, S.P.H.T., Serfass, R.E., King, J.C., Southon, J.R., Fang, Y., Woodhouse, L.R., Bench, G.S. and McAninch, J.E. “Biological Sample Preparation and 41Ca AMS Measurement at LLNL.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B99, (1995), 557-561.
McAninch, J.E., Bench, G.S., Freeman, S.P.H.T., Roberts, M.L., Southon, J.R., Vogel, J.S. and Proctor, I.D. “PXAMS-Projectile Xray AMS: Xray Yields and Applications.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B99, (1995), 541-545.
Morse, D.H., Bench, G.S., Pontau, A.E., Freeman, S.P.H.T., Heikkinen D.W. and Bach, P.R. “Microbeam PIXE Analysis using Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometry.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B99, (1995), 427-430.
Roberts, M.L., Bench, G.S., Heikkinen, D.W., Morse, D.H., Bach P.R. and Pontau, A.E. “The New Nuclear Microprobe at Livermore.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B104, (1995), 13-18.
Antolak, A.J. and Bench, G.S. “PIXE Tomography of Samples with Inhomogeneous Elemental Composition.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B88, (1994), 297-307.
Antolak, A.J. and Bench, G.S. “PIXEF: The Livermore PIXE Spectrum Analysis Package.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B90, (1994), 596-601.
Antolak, A.J., Bench, G.S. and Morse, D.H. “IMAP: A Complete Ion Micro-Analysis Package for the Nuclear Microprobe.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B85, (1994), 597-601.
Antolak, A.J., Bench, G.S., Pontau, A.E., Morse, D.H., Heikkinen D.W. and Weirup, D.L. “Density and Composition Analysis using Focused MeV Ion Microbeam Techniques.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, A353, (1994), 568-574.
Bench, G., Lefevre, H.W. and Legge, G.J.F. “Ion Beam Induced Changes in Drosophila melanogaster Brains Studied with STIM.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B88, (1994), 229-236.
Bench, G.S. “Nuclear Microscopy at Livermore.” International Journal of PIXE, 4(2-3), (1994), 93-95.
Bench, G.S., Antolak, A.J., Morse, D.H., James, R.B. David, D.C., Burger, A. and Van den Berg, L. “Analysis of HgI2 and PbI2 Crystals and Detectors by Particle-induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Ion Backscattering Spectroscopy (IBS).” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 302, (1993), 67-72.
Bench, G.S., Antolak, A.J., Morse, D.H., Pontau, A.E., Saint, A. and Legge, G.J.F. “On the Effect of Beam Spatial Broadening in Ion Microtomography (IMT) Image Quality.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B82, (1993), 447-458.
Bench, G.S., Saint, A., Legge, G.J.F. and Cholewa, M. “Applications of Energy Loss Contrast STIM.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B77, (1993), 175-183.
David, D.C., James, R.B., Feemster, M., Anderson, R., Antolak, A.J., Morse, D.H., Pontau, A.E., Jayaturtha, H., Burger, A., Bao, X., Schlesinger, T., Bench, G.S. and Heikkinen, D.W. “Investigation of Lead Iodide Crystals for Use as High Energy Solid State Radiation Detectors.” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 302, (1993), 335-340.
Heikkinen, D.W., Bench, G.S., Antolak, A.J., Morse, D.H. and Pontau, A.E. “The LLNL Multi-user Tandem Laboratory PIXE Microprobe.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B77, (1993), 45-48.
Antolak, A., Pontau, A., Morse, D., Weirup, D., Heikkinen, D., Cholewa, M., Bench, G. and Legge, G. “Ion Microtomography and Particle-induced X-ray Emission Analysis of Direct Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets.” Journal of Vacuum Science Technology, A, 10(4), (1992), 1164-1169.
Bench, G., Saint, A., Cholewa, M., Legge, G.J.F., Weirup, D.L. and Pontau, A.E. “STIM Tomography: A Three-dimensional, High-resolution Imaging Tool.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B68, (1992), 481-490.
Legge, G.J.F., Saint, A., Bench, G., Laird, J. and Cholewa, M. “Ion Beams as High-resolution Probes of Structure and Function.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B64, (1992), 342-348.
Bench, G., Lefevre, H.W. and Legge, G.J.F. “The Mapping of Unresolved Spatial Structure in STIM Images.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B54, (1991), 378-382.
Bench, G., Nugent, K.A., Cholewa, M., Saint, A. and Legge, G.J.F. “Sub-micron STIM Tomography Reconstruction Techniques.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B54, (1991), 390-396.
Cholewa, M., Bench, G., Kirby, B.J. and Legge, G.J.F. “Changes in Organic Materials using Scanning Particle Microbeams.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B54, (1991), 101-108.
Cholewa, M., Bench, G., Saint, A. and Legge, G.J.F. “High Resolution Channeling STIM in a Thin Crystal.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B54, (1991), 397-400.
Cholewa, M., Bench, G., Saint, A., Legge, G.J.F. and Weilunski, L. “Application of Channeling STIM.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B56/57, (1991), 795-798.
Lefevre, H.W., Schofield, R.M.S., Bench, G. and Legge, G.J.F. “STIM with Energy Loss Contrast: An Imaging Modality Unique to MeV Ions.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B54, (1991), 363-370.
Saint, A., Bench, G., Cholewa, M., Dooley, S., Jamieson, D.N. and Legge, G.J.F. “High Resolution Techniques for the Scanning Proton Microprobe.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B56/57, (1991), 717-721.
Sutton, S.R., Cholewa, M., Bench, G., Saint, A., Legge, G.J.F., Weirup, D. and Flynn, G.J. “Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy (STIM): A New Technique for Density Mapping of Micrometeorites.” Lunar and Planetary Science, XXII, (1991), 1363-1364.
Weirup, D., Pontau, A., Antolak, A., Morse, D., Bench, G., Cholewa, M., Saint, A. and Legge, G. “Pre-processing of Ion Microtomography Data for Improved Reconstruction Quality.” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 217, (1991) 143-149.
Cholewa, M., Bench, G., Legge, G.J.F. and Saint, A. “Channeling Scanning Transmission Ion Microscopy.” Applied Physics Letters, 56(13), (1990), 1236-1238.
Bench, G. and Legge, G.J.F. “High Resolution STIM.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B40/41, (1989), 655-658.
Legge, G.J.F., O'Brien, P.M., Sealock, R.M., Allan, G.L., Bench, G., Moloney, G. and Jamieson, D.N. “The Design of a Versatile Scanning Proton Microprobe of High Resolution and Efficiency.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B30, (1988), 252-259.
- Outstanding Postdoctoral Research Award, 1993, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- Postgraduate Writing Up Award, 1991, University of Melbourne, Australia.
- Australian Post-Graduate Research Award, 1990, University of Melbourne, Australia
- HECS Post-Graduate Scholarship, 1989-1991, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Commonwealth Post-Graduate Research Award, 1987-1989, Australian Government
- Kernot Research Scholarship, 1987, University of Melbourne, Australia
- John Tyndall Scholarship, 1987, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Dixson Scholarship, 1986, University of Melbourne, Australia