Kristi Beck


Portrait of  Kristi Beck
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    Physicist & Livermore Center for Quantum Science Director
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    (925) 423-4590
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Dr. Kristin (Kristi) Beck is a staff scientist in the LLNL Quantum Coherent Device Physics Group and the director of the Livermore Center for Quantum Science. Her research interests span the quantum computing stack, from device hardware and gate design to testbed architecture. Her current research portfolio includes testing novel control hardware and working with optimal control generation for superconducting transmons; and designing, modeling and testing 3D printed traps for trapped ions.

Kristi joined LLNL in 2020. Prior to LLNL, Kristi was a senior physicist at the startup quantum computing company IonQ. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland in 2018. She received her Ph.D. from MIT in 2016, her M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge in 2010 and her BS. in Physics and B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Rochester in 2009. Her scholarship has been recognized through several fellowships including an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a Winston Churchill Scholarship.

Ph.D. Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2016

M.Phil. Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2010

B.S. Physics; B.A. Mathematics with Honors, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 2009

Low-Frequency Correlated Charge-Noise Measurements Across Multiple Energy Transitions in a Tantalum Transmon.
D. M. Tennant, L. A. Martinez, K. M. Beck, S. R. O'Kelley, C. D. Wilen, R. McDermott, J. L DuBois, Y. J. Rosen.
PRX Quantum 3, 030307 (2022)

One- and two-qubit gate infidelities due to motional errors in trapped ions and electrons.
R. T. Sutherland, Q. Yu, K. M. Beck, H. Haeffner.
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022437 (2022)

Feasibility study of quantum computing using trapped electrons.
Q. Yu, A. M. Alonso, J. Caminiti, K. M. Beck, R. T. Sutherland, D. Leibfried, K. J. Rodriguez, M. Dhital, B. Hemmerling, H. Häffner.
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022420 (2022)

Efficient sideband cooling protocol for long trapped-ion chains.
J.-S. Chen, K. Wright, N. C. Pisenti, D. Murphy, K. M. Beck, K. Landsman, J. M. Amini and Y. Nam.
Phys. Rev. A 102, 043110 (2020)

Efficient Arbitrary Simultaneously Entangling Gates on a trapped-ion quantum computer.
N. Grzesiak, R. Blümel, K. Beck, K. Wright, V. Chaplin, J. M. Amini, N. C. Pisenti, S. Debnath, J.-S. Chen and Y. Nam.
Nature Communications 11, 2963 (2020)

Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer.
K. Wright, K. M. Beck, S. Debnath, J. M. Amini, Y. Nam, N. Grzesiak, J. -S. Chen, N. C. Pisenti, M. Chmielewski, C. Collins, K. M. Hudek, J. Mizrahi, J. D. Wong-Campos, S. Allen, J. Apisdorf, P. Solomon, M. Williams, A. M. Ducore, A. Blinov, S. M. Kreikemeier, V. Chaplin, M. Keesan, C. Monroe and J. Kim.
Nature Communications 10, 5464 (2019)

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  • Joint Quantum Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 2009-2014
  • Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering (IQuISE) Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Trainee, 2010-2015
  • Winston Churchill Scholar, 2009-2010
  • Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, 2007