Sorin Bastea

Portrait of  Sorin Bastea
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    (925) 422-2178
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Research Interests

  • Statistical mechanics and applications.
  • Equilibrium and kinetics of multicomponent multiphase systems.
  • Principal investigator for the Cheetah code project.

Ph.D. Physics Rutgers University, 1997

  1. S. Bastea, “Nanocarbon Condensation in Detonation”, Scientific Reports 7, 42151 (2017).
  2. E. Stavrou, J.M. Zaug, S. Bastea, J.C. Crowhurst, “The Equation of State of 5-nitro-2,4-dihydro-1,2,4,-triazol-3-one Determined Via In-situ Optical Microscopy and Interferometry Measurements," Journal of Applied Physics 119, 135904 (2016).
  3. M. Bagge-Hansen et al., "Measurement of Carbon Condensates Using Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering During Detonation of the High Explosive Hexanitrostilbene," Journal of Applied Physics 117, 245902 (2015).
  4. S. Bastea, "A Simulation Assessment of the Thermodynamics of Dense Ion-Dipole Mixtures with Polarization," Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 044507 (2014).
  5. N. Goldman, S. Bastea, Nitrogen Oxides As a Chemistry Trap in Detonating Oxygen-Rich Materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118, 2897 (2014).
  6. M.R. Armstrong et al., Ultrafast Shock Initiation of Exothermic Chemistry in Hydrogen Peroxide, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117, 13051 (2013).
  7. S. Bastea, "Aggregation kinetics of detonation nanocarbon", Applied Physics Letters 100, 214106 (2012).
  8. S. Bastea and L.E. Fried, "Chemical Equilibrium Detonation", in Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Volume 6, p. 1, Springer-Verlag (2012).
  9. S. Bastea, "Thermodynamics and diffusion in size-symmetric and asymmetric dense electrolytes", Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 084515 (2011).
  10. S. Bastea, "Diffusion and conduction in a salt-free colloidal suspension via molecular dynamics simulations",Soft Matter 6, 4223 (2010).
  11. J.M. Zaug, S. Bastea, J.C. Crowhurst, M.R. Armstrong, "Photoacoustically Measured Speeds of Sound of Liquid HBO2: Semi-Empirical Modeling of Boron-Containing Explosives", Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1, 2982 (2010).
  12. M. Bastea, S. Bastea, R. Becker, "High pressure phase transformation in iron under fast compression", Applied Physics Letters 95, 241911 (2009).
  13. S. Bastea and L.E. Fried, "Exp6-polar thermodynamics of dense supercritical water", Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 174502 (2008).
  14. S. Bastea, "Transport in a Highly Asymmetric Binary Fluid Mixture," Phys. Rev. E 75, 031201 (2007).
  15. S. Bastea, "Aggregation Kinetics in a Model Colloidal Suspension," Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 028305 (2006).
  16. S. Bastea, "Comment on: Model for Heat Conduction in Nanofluids," Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 019401 (2005).
  17. S. Bastea, "Entropy Scaling Laws for Diffusion," Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 199603 (2004).
  18. S. Bastea, "Transport Properties of Dense Fluid Argon," Phys. Rev. E 68, 031204 (2003).
  19. S. Bastea, R. Esposito, J. L. Lebowitz, and R. Marra, "Hydrodynamics of Binary Fluid Phase Segregation," Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 235701 (2002).
  20. Viecelli, J. A., S. Bastea, J. N. Glosli, and F. H. Ree. "Phase Transformations of Nanometer Size Carbon Particles in Shocked Hydrocarbons and Explosives," J. Chem. Phys. 115, 2730 (2001).