Scott G. Anderson

Portrait of  Scott G. Anderson
  • Title
    Technical Director, B194/Staff Scientist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 422-0195
  • Organization
    Not Available

Research Interests

Scott Anderson is a technical director responsible for accelerator safety in building 194 at LLNL. Anderson is interested in researching high brightness beam physics, advanced accelerators, and high brightness and high intensity radiation source development. His previous research, which he completed at both UC Los Angeles and LLNL, includes photoinjector development, free-electron lasers, and electron bunch compression techniques. During his tenure at LLNL, he has worked on the laser Compton scattering x-ray and γ-ray sources, the Picosecond Laser–Electron Interaction for the Dynamic Evaluation of Structures (PLEIADES) project, the Thomson-radiated extreme x-ray system (T-REX), fluorescence imaging in the nuclear domain with extreme radiation (FINDER), the mega-ray project, and inverse free-electron laser advanced accelerator development using Ti:sapphire laser technology. He is currently pursuing intense photon and neutron source development using neutron imaging, PRISM, and mega-ray test station accelerators.

Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2002

M.S. Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997

B.S. Physics, University of Minnesota, 1995