Kristl Adams

Portrait of  Kristl Adams
  • Title
    Group Leader - MASS; Program Manager - NEA; Physicist
  • Email
  • Phone
    (925) 424-6856
  • Organization

Research interests

  • Plutonium Chemistry
  • Materials Assurance
  • Systems Assurance
  • Materials Aging and Compatibility
  • Headspace Gas Chemistry
  • Material Gas Interactions

Current position(s)

  • Group Leader for MASS Group
  • Program Manager for NEA
  • Systems MTE Lead for Aging & Lifetimes Program
  • Pit SME for Surveillance Group

Career path

I’ve had a broad and varied career path covering many areas of threat detection and materials assurance. I started as a postdoc at LLNL focusing on novel biological detection techniques including PCR and mass spectrometry for point-of-care devices and biological threat detection. I subsequently explored innovative actinides detection techniques using NMR and gas analysis. This expertise led to my joining the Surveillance Group as Gas SME and eventually also Pit SME. I’ve had a variety of roles in a diverse range of projects aimed at protecting and ensuring the health and compatibility of materials, while also mitigating the effects of material aging.

I now lead the Nuclear Enterprise Assurance program ensuring the stockpile from all forms of sabotage and lead the MASS group helping to mentor the next generation of scientists and leaders. I enjoy a broad mix of fulfilling roles from leadership and program development to mentorship and career planning and even a bit of scientific contribution and project reviewer roles.


  • Developing novel detection methods for a broad range of applications.
  • Contributing to the health and safety of the nation’s stockpile
  • Building the NEA Program
  • Collaborating on career development at all stages

Subject Matter Expertise

Actinide surface interactions, actinide chemistry, plutonium chemistry, gas analysis, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, material gas interactions, headspace gas chemistry, materials compatibility and aging, materials surface chemistry, materials assurance, systems assurance, nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy, mentoring, career development

Ph.D. in Physics, Purdue University, 2006

M.S. in Physics, Purdue University, 2001

B.S. in Physics, Math, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1999


Google Scholar | ResearchGate | Scopus | ORCID


Selected publications

Electronic characterization of lithographically patterned microcoils for high sensitivity NMR detection, V Demas, A Bernhardt, V Malba, KL Adams, L Evans, C Harvey,, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 200 (1), 56-63 (2009)

Fe Vibrational Spectroscopy of Myoglobin and Cytochrome f, KL Adams, S Tsoi, J Yan, SM Durbin, AK Ramdas, WA Cramer, et. al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (1), 530-536 (2006)

Portable microcoil NMR detection coupled to capillary electrophoresis, J Diekmann, KL Adams, GL Klunder, L Evans, P Steele, C Vogt,, Analytical chemistry 83 (4), 1328-1335 (2011)

Reagentless Detection of Mycobacteria tuberculosis H37Ra in Respiratory Effluents in Minutes, KL Adams, PT Steele, MJ Bogan, NM Sadler, SI Martin, AN Martin, Analytical chemistry 80 (14), 5350-5357 (2008)

Single-particle aerosol mass spectrometry (SPAMS) for high-throughput and rapid analysis of biological aerosols and single cells, M Frank, EE Gard, HJ Tobias, KL Adams, MJ Bogan, KR Coffee, Rapid characterization of microorganisms by mass spectrometry, 161-196 (2011)

Improving prediction of peroxide value of edible oils using regularized regression models, WE Gilbraith, JC Carter, KL Adams, KS Booksh, JM Ottaway, Molecules 26 (23), 7281 (2021)

Modular sampling and analysis techniques for the real-time analysis of human breath, M Frank, G Farquar, K Adams, M Bogan, A Martin, H Benner,, SENSORS, 2007 IEEE, 10-13 (2007)

Comparison of spectroscopic techniques for determining the peroxide value of 19 classes of naturally aged, plant-based edible oils, JM Ottaway, J Chance Carter, KL Adams, J Camancho, BK Lavine,, Applied Spectroscopy 75 (7), 781-794 (2021)

A sample-in-answer-out instrument for the detection of multiple respiratory pathogens in unprepared nasopharyngeal swab samples, J Regan, S Létant, K Adams, N Nguyen, R Derlet, S Cohen, E Vitalis,, Analyst 135 (9), 2316-2322 (2010)


  • WTE Bronze Award (2021)


  • Plutonium Futures
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry
  • American Physical Society
  • Biophysical Society
  • Women in Physics
  • Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity
  • Alpha Chi, National Honor Scholarship Society

Social media
