John G. Reynolds

Portrait of  John G. Reynolds
  • Title
    Research Scientist
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    (925) 422-6028
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John Reynolds has 9 years experience in national security—chemical weapons countermeasures including characterization of new threats, detection and decontamination; explosives countermeasures including development and commercialization of detection technology; characterization of new threats; analysis and attribution. He has 16 years experience in synthetic chemistry—modeling Fe-S electron transport metallo-enzymes, modeling mechanisms for the catalytic removal of metals in crude oils, modeling NOx removal by Ti-V catalysts, and synthesizing new volatile actinides laser isotope separation; verification synthesis of chemical weapons and related threats. He has 11 years experience in petroleum characterization, processing, and developing methods for utilizing alternative energy sources (heavy oil, tar sands, oil shale, and coal). His 3 years experience in petroleum geochemistry includes applying laboratory kinetic methods for oil exploration. He also has 2 years experience in gas-phase combustion chemistry studying nitrogen-oxides formation and removal mechanisms for stationary and mobile sources; taught classes in synthetic fuels, beginning general chemistry, and beginning organic chemistry laboratory.

Professional Honors

  • American Chemical Society Member
  • Materials Research Society Member
  • Program Chairman, Petroleum Chemistry Division, American Chemical Society
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Petroleum Chemistry Division, ACS
  • Publications Manager, American Chemical Society
  • Chairman, American Chemical Society Catalysis Secretariat
  • Editorial Board Member, Petroleum Science & Technology
  • Advisory Board, Eastern Oil Shale Symposium
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium Technology Transfer Award
  • R & D 100 Invention Award

Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Stanford University, 1980

B.S., Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley, 1976

Publications and Patents Relating to Fossil Fuels


  1. Love, A. H., M. L. Hanna, and J. G. Reynolds, "Engineering Surface Functional Groups on Silica Aerogel for Enhanced Cleanup of Organics from Produced Water," Separation Science and Technology 40 (1-3), 311-320 (2005).
  2. Nelson, A. J., J. G. Reynolds, and G. Christou, "Spin-State Effects on the Outer Core-Level Multiplet Structures for High-Spin Mn Molecular Clusters," J. Applied Physics 93 (5), 1–4 (2003).
  3. Nelson, A. J., J. G. Reynolds, and J. W. Roos, "Comprehensive Characterization of Engine Deposits from Fuel Containing MMTÒ," The Science of the Total Environment 295, 183–205 (2002).
  4. Reynolds, J. G., P. R. Coronado, and L. W. Hrubesh, "Hydrophobic Aerogels for Oil-Spill Clean Up–Intrinsic Absorbing Properties," Energy Sources 23, 831–843 (2001).
  5. Nelson, A. J., J. G. Reynolds, R. D. Sanner, P. R. Coronado, and L. M. Hair, " Pt-Metal Oxide Aerogel Catalyst: X-Ray Photoemission Investigation," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 19(4), 1121–1125 (2001).
  6. Reynolds, J. G., P. R. Coronado, and L. W. Hrubesh, "Hydrophobic Aerogels for Oil-Spill Clean Up–Synthesis and Characterization," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 292, 127–137 (2001)
  7. Reynolds, J. G., "Nickel in Petroleum Refining," Petroleum Science and Technology 19(7&8), 979–1008 (2001).
  8. Reynolds, J. G., "Hydrophobic Silica Aerogels," Recent Research Advances in Non-Crystalline Solids 1, 133–149 (2001).
  9. Hair, L. M., P. R. Coronado, and J. G. Reynolds, "Mixed-Metal Oxide Aerogels for Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 270(1-3), 115-122 (2000).
  10. Roos, J. W., D. R. Lynam, I. L. Smith, G. D. Pfeifer, and J. G. Reynolds, "Characterization of Combustion Products from the Fuel Additive MMT, 2000 Proceedings, 93rd Annual Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
  11. Reynolds, J. G., A. J. Nelson, and J. W. Roos, "Applications Of X-Ray Methods To Speciate Manganese Particulates From Vehicles Using MMT Fuel," American Chemical Society, Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints 45(2), 380-382 (2000).
  12. Nelson, A. J., J. G. Reynolds, and J. W. Roos, "Core-Level Satellites And Outer Core-Level Multiplet Splitting In Mn Model Compounds," Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 18(4), 1072–1076 (2000).
  13. Nelson, A. J., J. L. Ferreira, J. G. Reynolds, S. D. Schwab, and J. W. Roos, "X-Ray Absorption Characterization of Diesel Exhaust Particulates," Proceedings, Materials Research Society, 590, 63-69 (1999).
  14. Reynolds, J. G., "Understanding Metals in Fossil Fuels – A Perspective of Contributions by T. F. Yen," in Asphaltenes and Asphalts, 2, Developments in Petroleum Science 40 A, 233-248, Eds.: T. F. Yen and G. V. Chilingarian, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2001).
  15. Song, C., M. Klein, B. Johnson, and J. G. Reynolds, "Catalysis in Fuel Processing and Environmental Protection. An Introduction," Catalysis Today 50, 1 (1999).
  16. Designing Transportation Fuels for a Cleaner Environment, Eds.: J. G. Reynolds and M. R. Khan, Washington, D. C.: Taylor & Francis (1999).
  17. Colmenares, C., S. Deutsch, C. Evans, A. J. Nelson, L. J. Terminello, J. G. Reynolds, J. W. Roos, and I. L. Smith, "Analysis of Manganese Particulates from Automotive Decomposition of Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl," Applied Surface Science 151, 189-202 (1999).
  18. Reynolds, J. G., D. C. Cronauer, and M. R. Khan, "Impact of the Clean Air Act on Fuel Production and Use," Designing Transportation Fuels for a Cleaner Environment, Eds.: J. G. Reynolds, and M. R. Khan, Eds., Taylor & Francis, Washington, D. C., pp 1-14 (1999).
  19. Reynolds, J. G., L. M. Hair, P. R. Coronado, M. W. Droege, and J. Wong, "Aerogel Derived Catalysts," Symposium Proceedings, Materials Research Society 454, 225-232 (1997).
  20. Burnham, A. K., H. R. Gregg, R. L. Ward, K. G. Knauss, S. A. Coperehaver, J. G. Reynolds, and R. Sanborn, "Decomposition Kinetics and Mechanism of n-Hexadecane-1,2-13C2 and Dodec-1-ene-1,2-13C2 Doped in Petroleum and n-Hexadecane," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61(17), 3725-3737 (1997).
  21. Reynolds, J. G., "Metals and Heteroatoms in Heavy Crude Oils," in Petroleum Chemistry and Refining, Ed.: J. G. Speight, Taylor & Francis, Washington, D. C. Chapter 3, 78-100, (1997).
  22. Reynolds, J. G., A. M. Murray, E. V. Nuxoll, G. A. Fox, C. B. Thorsness, and M. Rashid Khan, "Upgrading of Heavy Oil from the San Joaquin Valley of California by Aqueous Pyrolysis," Symposium Proceedings, Materials Research Society 432, 333-338 (1977).
  23. Reynolds, J. G., and C. B. Thorsness, "Mild Upgrading of Heavy Oil from the San Joaquin Valley of California by Aqueous Pyrolysis—Catalysis and Modeling," American Chemical Society, Division of Petroleum Chemistry Preprints 42(2), 476-478 (1997).
  24. Reynolds, J. G., A. K. Burnham, and P. H. Wallman, "Reactivity of Paper Residues Produced by a Hydrothermal Pretreatment Process for Municipal Solid Wastes," Energy & Fuels 11(1), 98-106 (1997)
  25. Reynolds, J. G., and A. K. Burnham, "Pyrolysis Decomposition Kinetics of Cellulose-Based Materials by Constant Heating Rate Micropyrolysis," Energy & Fuels 11(1), 88-97 (1997).
  26. Khan, M. R., and J. G. Reynolds, "Formulating a Response to the Clean Air Act," ChemTech 26(6), 56-61 (1996).
  27. Khan, M. R., E. Popiel, and J. G. Reynolds, "Designing Fuels for the Environment: Reformulated Gasoline," Energy Sources 18(5), 513-524 (1996).
  28. Reynolds, J. G., "Enhanced Energy Recovery from Crude Oil: Processing Heavy Oil by Aqueous and Dry Pyrolysis," International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing 5(3-4): 25-28 (1996).
  29. Reynolds, J. G., S. C. Sendlinger, A. M. Murray, J. C. Huffman, and G. Christou, "Synthesis and Characterization of Vanadium(II,III,IV) Complexes of Pyridine-2-Thiolate," Inorganic Chemistry 34, 5745-5752 (1995).
  30. Reynolds, J. G., and A. K. Burnham, "Kinetic Analysis of Paper by Open-System Micropyrolysis," Paper B3, Conference on Frontiers of Pyrolysis: Biomass Conversion and Polymer Recycling, Breckenridge, Colorado, June 25-30, 1995.
  31. Reynolds, J. G., A. K. Burnham, and T. O. Mitchell, "Kinetic analysis of California Petroleum Source Rocks by Programmed Temperature Micropyrolysis," Organic Geochemistry, 23(2), 109-120 (1995).
  32. Reynolds, J. G., and A. K. Burnham, "Comparison of Kinetic Analysis of Source Rocks and Kerogen Concentrates," Organic Geochemistry, 23(1), 11-19 (1995).
  33. Lee, A. K., A. M. Murray, and J. G. Reynolds, "Metallopetroporphyrins as Process Indicators: Separation of Petroporphyrins in Green River Oil Shale Pyrolysis Products," Fuel Science & Technology International, 11(8), 1081-1098 (1995).
  34. Lee, A. K., H. R. Gregg, and J. G. Reynolds, "Metallopetroporphyrins as Process Indicators: Mass Spectral Identification of Ni(etio) and Ni(DPEP) Homologous Series in Green River Shale Oil," Fuel Science & Technology International, 11(9), 1153-1166 (1995).
  35. Reynolds, J. G., and K. J. King, "Effects of Minerals on the Pyrolysis of Kern River 650°F+ Residuum," The Proceedings of the 1995 UNITAR Conference on Heavy Oil and Tar Sand, 1, 281-291 (1995).
  36. Reynolds, J. G., "Comparison of Cracking Kinetics for Kern River 650°F+ Residuum and Midway Sunset Crude Oil," ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 40(4), 727-729 (1995).
  37. Reynolds, J. G., "Nitrogen and Carbon Oxides Chemistry in the HRS Retorting Process," 1993 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, Proceedings, IMMR 94-101, 51-58 (1994).
  38. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Taylor, and C. W. Morris, "Oxidized Oil Shale for Removal of Nitrogen Oxides in Combustion Gas Streams," Fuel, 73(9), 1466-1471 (1994).
  39. Reynolds, J. G., "Effects of Asphaltene Precipitation on the Size of Vanadium-, Nickel-, and Sulfur-Containing Compounds in Heavy Crude Oils and Residua," in Asphaltenes and Asphalts, 1, Developments in Petroleum Science 40 A, 233-248, Eds.: T. F. Yen and G. V. Chilingarian, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (1994).
  40. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Taylor, and C. W. Morris, "Oxidized Oil Shale for Removal of Nitrogen Oxides in Combustion Gas Streams," Proceedings, 1992 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, IMMR 93-01, 128-134 (1993).
  41. Reynolds, J. G., and A. K. Burnham, "Pyrolysis Kinetics and Maturation of Coals from the San Juan Basin," Energy and Fuels 7, 610-619 (1993).
  42. Reynolds, J. G., E. L. Jones, J. C. Huffman, and G. Christou,"Deoxygenation of Oxovanadium(IV) Complexes under Mild Conditions: Conversion of Vanadyl Species to the Corresponding Dihalides with Carboxylic Acid Halides," Polyhedron, 12(4), 407-414 (1993).
  43. Reynolds, J. G., and A. K. Burnham, "Kinetic Analysis of California Oil Shale by Programmed Micropyrolysis," ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 37(3), 970-976 (1992).
  44. Reynolds, J. G., "Utilizing Asphaltene Pyrolysis to Predict Pyrolysis Kinetics of Heavy Crude Oil and Extractable Native Bitumen," Proceedings, 1991 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, IMMR 91-07, 7-16 (1992).
  45. R. L. Braun, A. K. Burnham, and J. G. Reynolds, "Oil and Gas Evolution Kinetics for Oil Shale and Petroleum Source Rocks Determined from Pyrolysis-TQMS Data at Two Heating Rates," Energy and Fuels, 6, 468-474 (1992).
  46. Reynolds, J. G., S. C. Sendlinger, A. M. Murray, J. C. Huffman, and G. Christou, "Pyridine-2-Thiolate Complexes of Vanadium(II,III,IV): Unusual Structural Features and the first Vanadium(II) Thiolate," Angewante Chimie, 31(9), 1253-1255 (1992).
  47. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Taylor, and C. J. Morris, "Catalytic Activity of Oxidized (Combusted) Oil Shale for the Removal of Nitrogen Oxides with Ammonia as a Reductant in Combustion Gas Streams," ACS Fuel Division Chemistry, Preprints, 37(4), 1840-1846 (1992).
  48. Reynolds, J. G., and A. K. Burnham, "Analysis of Coals from the San Juan Basin by Programmed Temperature Micropyrolysis," Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 37(2), 707-722 (1992).
  49. E. L. Jones, J. G. Reynolds, J. C. Huffman, and G. Christou, "Deoxygenation of Oxovanadium(IV) Complexes under Mild Conditions: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Dihalo bis(dialkyldithio-carbamato) Vanadium (IV)," Polyhedron, 10(15), 1817-1825 (1991).
  50. Reynolds, J. G., "Trace Metals in Heavy Crude Oils," Proceedings, 1990 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, IMMR 90/201, 9-23 (1991).
  51. Reynolds, J. G., "Modeling Hydrodesulfurization, Hydrodenitrification, and Hydrodemetalation," Chemistry and Industry 16, 19 August, 570-574 (1991).
  52. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Size Exclusion Chromatography-Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrographic Study of Fe in Bitumens Derived from Tar Sands," Fuel Science & Technology International. 10(3), 313-322 (1991).
  53. A. K. Burnham, R. L. Braun, J. G. Reynolds, and J. J. Sweeney, "Kinetic and Compositional Model of High Pressure Kerogen Pyrolysis," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-JC-108634 (1991).
  54. Reynolds, J. G., "Analysis of Coals from the San Juan Basin by Programmed Temperature Micropyrolysis," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-ID-109214, December 9, 1991.
  55. Burnham, A. K.. R. L. Braun, J. J. Sweeney, J. G. Reynolds, C. Vallejos, and S. Talukdar, "Kinetic Modeling of Petroleum Formation in the Maricaibo Basin: A Final Report on Joint Work by LLNL and INTEVEP under Annex XII," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-AD-109946 (1991).
  56. R. L. Braun, A. K. Burnham, J. G. Reynolds, and J. E. Clarkson, "Pyrolysis Kinetics for Lacustrine and Marine Source Rocks by Programmed Micropyrolysis," Energy and Fuels, 5, 193-204 (1991).
  57. Reynolds, J. G., "Can Size Exclusion Chromatography with Element Specific Detection, The D 2007-80 with Asphaltene Precipitation (SARA) Separation, and Hydrogen Distribution by NMR Help at All in Predicting Residuum Processability?" Fuel Science & Technology International, 9(5), 613-634 (1991).
  58. Heinrich, D. D., K. Folting, J. C. Huffman, J. G. Reynolds, and G. Christou, "Preparation and Properties of Mononuclear Vanadium Thiolates: Structural Characterization of the [V(SBut)4]0,1 Pair, and C-S Bond Cleavage in V(SBut)4 in the gas phase," Inorganic Chemistry, 30, 300-305 (1991).
  59. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Crawford, and A. K. Burnham, "Analysis of Oil Shale and Petroleum Source Rock Pyrolysis by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: Comparisons of Gas Evolution as the Heating Rate of 10°C/min," Energy and Fuels, 5, 507-523 (1991).
  60. Reynolds, J. G., "Effect of Prehydrogenation on Hydroconversion of Maya Residuum, Part III: Predicting Residuum Processability by the SARA Separation Method," AIChE Symposium Series, Tar Sand and Oil Upgrading Technology, 87(282), 62-71 (1991).
  61. Reynolds, J. G., and A. M. Murray, "Pyromat II Micropyrolysis of Source Rocks and Oil Shales: Effects of Native Bitumen Content and Sample Size on Tmax Values and Kinetic Parameters," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-ID 106505, Jan (1991).
  62. Reynolds, J. G., "Volatile Compound Evolution from the Programmed Temperature Pyrolysis of Big Clifty and McKittrick Tar Sands at a 10°C/min Heating Rate," 1989 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, IMMR 89-201, 86-97 (1990).
  63. Beret, S., and J. G. Reynolds, "Effect of Prehydrogenation on Hydroconversion of Maya Residuum. II. Hydrogen Incorporation," Fuel Science & Technology International, 8(3), 191-220 (1990).
  64. Reynolds, J. G., "Can the D 2007-80 with Asphaltene Precipitation (SARA) Separation, Size Exclusion Chromatography with Element Specific Detection, and Hydrogen Distribution by NMR Help at all help Predicting Residuum Processability?" Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 34(2), 455-470 (1989).
  65. Reynolds, J. G., "Programmed Temperature Pyrolysis Comparing Big Clifty (Kentucky) Tar Sand and Asphaltenes from Laboratory and Pilot Plant Extracted Bitumen," 1988 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, IMMR88/101, 9-19 (1989).
  66. Reynolds, J. G., and S. Beret, "Effect of Prehydrogenation on Hydroconversion of Maya Residuum," I. Process Characterization. Fuel Science & Technology International, 7(2), 165-186 (1989).
  67. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Crawford, and A. K. Burnham, " Oil Shale Pyrolysis by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: Comparison of Gas Evolution at 10°C/min Heating Rate," ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry, Preprints, 34(4), 1106-1123 (1989).
  68. Reynolds, J. G., and R. W. Crawford, "Pyrolysis of Sunnyside (Utah) Tar Sand: Characterization of Volatile Compound Evolution," II. Fuel Science & Technology International, 7(5-6), 823-849 (1989).
  69. Reynolds, J. G., E. L. Jones, J. A. Bennett, and W. R. Biggs, "Characterization of Nickel and Vanadium Compounds in Tar Sand Bitumen by UV-vis Spectroscopy and Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled with Element Specific Detection," Fuel Science & Technology International, 7(5-6), 625-642 (1989).
  70. Sundararaman, P., W. R. Biggs, J. G. Reynolds, and J. C. Fetzer, "Vanadylporphyrins, Indicators of Kerogen Breakdown and Generation of Petroleum," Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 52, 2337-2341 (1988).
  71. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Application of Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled with Element-Specific Detection to the Study of Heavy Crude Oil and Residua Processing," Accounts of Chemical Research, 21, 319-326 (1988).
  72. Fish, R. H., and J. G. Reynolds, "Molecular Characterization of Non-Porphyrin Trace-Metal Compounds of Geochemical and Process Significance using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography in Combination with Element-Selective Detection," Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 7(5), 174-179 (1988).
  73. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R Biggs, "Analysis of Residuum Desulfurization by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Element Specific Detection," II. Fuel Science & Technology International, 6(3), 329-354 (1988).
  74. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Crawford, and T. T. Coburn, "Variable Temperature Pyrolysis of Domestic Tar Sands—Asphalt Ridge (Utah) and Big Clifty (Kentucky)," 1987 Eastern Oil Shale Symposium, Proceedings, KECL 87-175, 101-108 (1988).
  75. Reynolds, J. G., and R. W. Crawford, " Pyrolysis of Sunnyside (Utah) Tar Sand: Characterization of Volatile Compound Evolution," ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 33(2), 297-306 (1988).
  76. Reynolds, J. G., E. L. Jones, J. A. Bennett, and W. R. Biggs, "Characterization of Nickel and Vanadium Compounds in Tar Sand Bitumen by Petroporphyrin Quantitation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Coupled with Element Specific Detection," Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 33(2), 239-246 (1988).
  77. Crawford, R. W., A. Alcaraz, and J. G. Reynolds, "Real-Time, On-line Determination of Carbon Monoxide using Charge Exchange with Krypton in a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer," Analytical Chemistry, 60, 2439-2441 (1988).
  78. Reynolds, J. G., R. W. Crawford, and A. Alcaraz, "Real-Time, On-line Determination of Carbon Monoxide in Fossil Energy Research using Charge Exchange with Krypton in a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer," Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 33(3), 509-513 (1988).
  79. Reynolds, J. G., E. J. Gallegos, R. H. Fish, and J. J. Komlenic, "Characterization of the Binding Sites of Vanadyl Non-Porphyrin Compounds in Heavy Crude Petroleum Extracts by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy," Energy and Fuels, 1, 36-44 (1987).
  80. Reynolds, J. G., W. R. Biggs, and S. A. Bezman, "Reaction Sequence of Metallopetroporphyrins During Heavy Residuum Upgrading," ACS Symposium Series, 344, 205-219 (1987).
  81. Fish, R. H., J. G. Reynolds, and E. J. Gallegos, "Molecular Characterization of Nickel and Vanadium Non-Porphyrins Found in Heavy Crude Petroleums and Bitumens," ACS Symposium Series, 344, 332-349 (1987).
  82. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Analysis of Residuum Desulfurization by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Element Specific Detection," ACS, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 32(2), 398-405 (1987).
  83. Reynolds, J. G., "Characterization of Heavy Residua by Application of a Modified D 2007 and Asphaltene Separation: Effect of Solvents on Physical and Chemical Properties of Fractions Derived from Hondo 850°F Residuum," Fuel Science & Technology International, 5(5), 593-620 (1987).
  84. Fish, R. H., A. D. Thormodsen, R. B. Belser, Jr., G. Friedman, and J. G. Reynolds, "Polymer Pendant Ligand Chemistry, 2: Reactions of Vanadyl Acetylacetonate with Catechol Ligands Bonded to Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene Resins and Structural Determination of the Vanadium Catecholates on the Polymer," Reactive Polymers, 6, 255-266 (1987).
  85. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Effects of Asphaltene Precipitation and a Modified D 2007 Separation on the Molecular Size of the Vanadium- and Nickel-Containing Compounds in Heavy Residua," Fuel Science & Technology International, 4, 749-777 (1986).
  86. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Effects of Asphaltene Precipitation and Reprecipitation on the Metal-Containing Compounds in Heavy Residua," Fuel Science & Technology International, 4, 778-198 (1986).
  87. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Analysis of Residuum Demetalation by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Element Specific Detection," Fuel Science & Technology International, 4, 593-620 (1986).
  88. Reynolds, J. G., "Characterization of Heavy Residua by Application of a Modified D 2007 Separation and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance," Liquid Fuels Technology, 3(1), 73 (1985).
  89. Biggs, W. R., J. C. Fetzer, R. J. Brown, and J. G. Reynolds, "Characterization of Vanadium Compounds in Selected Crudes I. Porphyrin and Non-Porphyrin Separation," Liquid Fuel Technology, 3(4), 397-421 (1985).
  90. Reynolds, J. G., W. R. Biggs, and J. C. Fetzer, "Characterization of Vanadium Compounds in Selected Crudes II. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of the First Coordination Spheres in the Porphyrin and Non-Porphyrin Fractions," Liquid Fuel Technology, 3(4), 423-448 (1985).
  91. Reynolds, J. G., and W. R. Biggs, "Analysis of Residuum Demetalation by Size Exclusion Chromatography with Element Specific Detection," ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 30(4), 679-686 (1985).
  92. Beret, S., and J. G. Reynolds, "Hydrogen Incorporation in Residuum Conversion," ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Preprints, 30(4), 664-671 (1985).
  93. Reynolds, J. G., W. R. Biggs, J. C. Fetzer, E. J. Gallegos, R. H. Fish, J. J. Komlenic, and B. K. Wines, "Molecular Characterization of Vanadyl and Nickel Non-Porphyrin Compounds in Heavy Crude Petroleums," Collection Colloques et Seminaires (Institut Francois de Petrole), 40, 153 (1984).


  1. Vogtlin, G. E., D. A. Goerz, M. Hsiao, B. T. Merritt, B. E. Penetrante, J. G. Reynolds, and R. Brusasco, "Nitrogen Oxide Removal using Diesel Fuel and a Catalyst," U. S. Patent, 6,119,451 September 19 (2000).
  2. Reynolds, J. G., and D. C. Kramer, "Demetalation of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Monobasic Carboxylic Acids and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,988,433 (1991).
  3. Reynolds, J. G., "Demetalation of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Dibasic Carboxylic Acids and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,853,109 (1989).
  4. Reynolds, J. G., "Decalcification of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Citric Acid and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,778,589 (1988).
  5. Reynolds, J. G., and T. F. Finger, "Decalcification of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Amino-Carboxylic Acids and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,778,590 (1988).
  6. Reynolds, J. G., "Demetalation of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Carbonic Acid and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,778,591 (1988).
  7. Reynolds, J. G., "Demetalation of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Amino-Carboxylic Acids and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,778,592 (1988).
  8. Reynolds, J. G., "Demetalation of Hydrocarbonaceous Feedstocks using Hydroxo-Carboxylic Acids and Salts Thereof," US Patent 4,789,463 (1988).
  9. Reynolds, J. G., S. G. Yu, and R. T. Lewis, "Red Mud as a First-Stage Catalyst in a Two-Stage, Close-Coupled Thermal Catalytic Hydroconversion Process," US Patent 4,559,129 (1985).
  10. Reynolds, J. G., S. G. Yu, and S. Beret, "Metals-Impregnated Red Mud as a First-Stage Catalyst in a Two-Stage, Close-Coupled Thermal Catalytic Hydroconversion Process," US Patent 4,559,130 (1985).
  11. Yu, S. G., and J. G. Reynolds, "Presulfided Red Mud as a First-Stage Catalyst in a Two-Stage, Close-Coupled Thermal Catalytic Hydroconversion Process," US Patent 4,560,465 (1985).