Larry D. McMichael

Portrait of  Larry D. McMichael
  • Title
    Section Leader
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    (925) 423-4911
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Current Projects

Like many folks at the Lab, I balance several roles and responsibilities. As a Section Leader in CED, I’m responsible for personnel management and capability development to meet – and anticipate – evolving programmatic needs. Across the groups and personnel in my section, I strive to understand people’s career objectives and partner with them to build the skills necessary for them to be ready for the next opportunity. I also facilitate program development and project execution and develop external collaborations and sponsor relationships. As a technical lead, I manage multidisciplinary teams that integrate high explosive and hydrodynamic experiments with high-fidelity modeling and simulation. In all these roles, I place a high emphasis on helping my team members develop new skills and identify interesting and challenging career opportunities.

Learning Interests

The "pathological" behavior of materials under extremely rapid, high-pressure shock loadings has captured my interest for most of my career at LLNL; two example problem domains are hypervelocity impacts and structural response to high explosives. Not only do these shocks cause materials to react on time scales (microseconds) that require a significant temporal shift from our usual concept of time, but they also exhibit bizarre mechanical behaviors. Plus, it’s hard to beat having "I get to blow things up" be part of your job description!

Career Path

I’ve supported a wide range of activities in my 25-plus years at LLNL: orbital debris impacts, multiphase blast explosives, linear shaped charge designs, conventional weapon effects, ballistic missile defense, lightweight armor development, asymmetric attack of critical infrastructure, and the nuclear weapons program. I started as an individual contributor on several projects and then started guiding the work of other analysts. I consciously sought out project leadership and program development (sponsor interactions and relationship development) roles as my domain knowledge grew. As my program management skills matured, I became an Associate Program Leader with oversight over several projects. I developed and refined my personnel management skills as a Group Leader with line management responsibility for staff engineers and postdocs. Most recently, I became a Section Leader with direct line management responsibility for eight group leaders and indirect line management responsibility for about seventy engineers. While programmatic leadership roles are more mission focused and line management roles are more personnel and capability focused, both roles call for strategic and technical leadership to effectively meet the needs of current and future programmatic sponsors.

Ph.D., Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, UC Davis, 2004

M.S., Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, UC Davis, 1993

B.S., Civil Engineering, UC Davis, 1991

Champley, K.M., S.G. Azevedo, I.M. Seetho, S.M. Glenn, L.D. McMichael, J.A. Smith, J.S. Kallman, W.D. Brown, and H.E. Martz, Jr. 2018. “Method to Extract System-Independent Material Properties from Dual-Energy X-ray CT. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

Grapes, M.D., E.V. Bukovsky, D.M. Hoffman, R. Kelley, R.V. Reeves, L. McMichael, K.T. Sullivan, and A.E. Gash. 2017. “Direct Ink Write Fabrication and Testing of Explosive Lattice Structures with Engineered Density.” Proceedings of JANNAF 40th PEDCS, May 22-25, 2017, Kansas City, MO.

Zellner, M.B., K. Champley, L. McMichael, H. Martz, R. Cantrell, C.E. Yonce, K.W. Dudeck, C.A. Benjamin, R.W. Borys, D.R. Schall, A.P. Ducote, T.J. O’Connor, T.E. Nellenbach, N.J. Sturgill, T.L. Quigg, S.T. Halsey, J.A. Benjamin, and B.P. Huntzinger. 2017. “Development of a Multi-Energy Flash Computed Tomography Diagnostic for Three Dimensional Imaging of Ballistic Experiments.” Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, American Institute of Physics Proceedings, July 9-14, 2017, St. Louis, MO.

Murphy, M., L. McMichael, and M. King, “Scaling Law for Multiphase Blast Explosives,” 2014 Warheads and Ballistics Classified Symposium , Monterey, CA, August 4-7, 2014.

Elmer VII, W., E. Taciroglu, and L. McMichael, “Dynamic strength increase of plain concrete from high strain rate plasticity with shear dilation,” International Journal of Impact Engineering , 45, pp. 1-15, 2012.

Glascoe, L., L. McMichael, K. Vandersall, and J. Margraf, “Underwater Blast Experiments and Modeling for Shock Mitigation,” Proc. 14th International Detonation Symposium , Coeur d’Alene, ID, April 11-14, 2010.

McMichael, L., C. Noble, J. Margraf, and L. Glascoe, “Assessing the Vulnerability of Large Critical Infrastructure Using Fully-Coupled Blast Effects Modeling,” Proc. ASCE 5th Congress on Forensic Engineering , Washington, D.C., November 11-14, 2009.