Associate Division Leader -
harrison37@llnl.gov -
(925) 423-9708 -
Not Available
Cyrus is Computer Scientist and Associate Division Leader in the Applications, Simulations, and Quality (ASQ) division of LLNL's Computing directorate. He develops data management, analysis, and visualization tools that support large scale multi-physics simulations. He is the software architect of the VisIt open source visualization tool and leads major aspects of the technical direction of the project. Cyrus also provides custom data analysis solutions for WCI's WSC and WPD programs.
Cyrus obtained a B.S. (2003) and Masters (2004) of Computer Engineering from the University of Florida. He joined LLNL in February 2005.
M. Larsen, C. Harrison, J. Kress, D. Pugmire, J. Meredith, H. Childs, Performance Modeling of In Situ Rendering, In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC16), November 2016
M. Larsen, E. Brugger, H. Childs, J. Eliot, K. Griffin, C. Harrison Strawman: A Batch In Situ Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure for Multi-Physics Simulation Codes, In Proceedings of the First Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-Scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV 2015), November 2015
C. Harrison, J. Weiler, R. Bleile, K. Gaither, H. Childs. “A Distributed-Memory Algorithm for Connected Components Labeling of Simulation Data” in Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data, J. Bennett, F. Vivodtzev, V. Pascucci. Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 3–21., December 2014
M. Jiang, B. Van Essen, C. Harrison, M. Gokhale. Multi-threaded streamline tracing for data-intensive architectures, In Proceedings of the IEEE 4th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV 2014), November 2014
H. Krishnan, C. Harrison, B. Whitlock, D. Pugmire, H. Childs. Exploring Collaborative HPC Visualization Workflows using VisIt and Python, In Proceedings of the twelfth annual Scientific Computing with Python Conference (SciPy 2013), June 2013
C. Harrison, P. A. Navrtil, M. Moussalem, M. Jiang, H. Childs. Efficient Dynamic Derived Field Generation on Many- Core Architectures Using Python. In Proceedings of Workshop on Python for High Performance and Scientific Computing (PyHPC) 2012, November 16, 2012
H.Childs, E. Brugger, B. Whitlock, J. Meredith, S. Ahern, K. Bonnell, M. Miller, G. H. Weber, C. Harrison, D. Pugmire, T. Fogal, C. Garth, A. Sanderson, E. W. Bethel, M. Durant, D. Camp, J. M. Favre, O. Rubel, P. Navratil. “VisIt: An End-User Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data” in High Performance Visualization: Enabling Extreme- Scale Scientific Insight, E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, C. Hansen. Eds. Chapman and Hall/CRC, pp. 357–372., October 2012
K. Gaither, H. Childs, K. Schulz, C. Harrison, W. Barth, D. Donzis, P. Yeung. Visual Analytics for Finding Critical Structures in Massive Time-Varying Turbulent-Flow Simulations. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. vol.32, no.4, pp.34-45, July-August. 2012
C. Harrison, H. Krishnan. Python’s role in VisIt. In Proceedings of the eleventh annual Scientific Computing with Python Conference (SciPy 2012), July 2012.
C. Harrison, H. Childs, and K. P. Gaither. Data-Parallel Mesh Connected Components Labeling and Analysis. In Proceedings of EuroGraphics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 131-140, April 2011
Selected Presentations
- Tutorial: Visualization and Analysis of HPC Simulation Data with VisIt. ATPESC 2017, St. Charles IL, August 2017
- Tutorial: Scalable HPC Visualization and Data Analysis Using VisIt. NCSA Blue Waters Webinar Series, March 2017
- Tutorial: Scalable HPC Visualization and Data Analysis Using VisIt. SC16, Salt Lake City UT, November 2016
- Tutorial: Visualization and Analysis of HPC Simulation Data with VisIt. ATPESC 2016, St. Charles IL, August 2016
- Talk: Conduit - A Scientific Data Exchange Library for HPC Simulations. SciPy 2016, Austin TX, July 2016
- Tutorial: Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis using VisIt. SC15, Austin TX, November 2015
- Tutorial: Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data with VisIt. ATPESC 2015, St. Charles IL, August 2015
- Tutorial on Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis using VisIt. SC14, New Orleans LA, November 2014
- Tutorial on Visualization and Analysis of Massive Data with VisIt. ATPESC 2014, St. Charles IL, August 2014
- Tutorial on Effective HPC Visualization and Data Analysis using VisIt. SC13, Denver CO, November 2013
- Introductory VisIt Tutorial. Bout++ 2013 Workshop, Livermore CA, September 2013
- Tutorial on Large Scale Visualization and Data Analysis with VisIt. SC12, Salt Lake City UT, November 2012
- Introductory VisIt Tutorial. DOE ACTS Workshop, Berkeley CA, August 2012
- Evolving VisIt to Future Architectures. LLNL ET-HPC-AD Workshop, Livermore CA, March 2012 Introductory
- VisIt Tutorial. DOE ACTS Workshop, Berkeley CA, August 2011
- Introductory VisIt Tutorial. AWE JOWOG, Aldermaston UK, April 2011