Holly Carlton

Portrait of  Holly Carlton
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    (925) 422-2765
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Professional Experience

Dr. Carlton (formerly Barth) is a staff member in the Materials Engineering Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Previously, she was a postdoctoral research scientist. Her research focuses on investigating the microstructure and mechanical behavior of additively manufactured metal and polymer materials through in situ mechanical testing and characterization using both 2D and 3D methods. She specializes in synchrotron radiation techniques and their use in the investigation of a wide range of materials and structures. Her graduate research specialized in failure analysis, fracture mechanics, and mechanical testing of biological and composite materials.

Research Interests

Microstructural characterization, including synchrotron radiation-based experimental techniques (x-ray tomography, x-ray scattering/diffraction); x-ray diffraction; scanning electron microscopy; and metallography. Mechanical testing, characterizing pertinent mechanical properties such as stress/strain (behavior modulus, yield strength, ultimate strength, work to fracture) and fracture toughness.

Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2011 [Minors: (a) Nanotechnology and (b) Business (Haas School of Business)]

M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2008

B.S. Engineering Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2005

H.D. (Barth) Carlton, A. Haboub, G.F. Gallegos, D.Y. Parkinson, A.A. MacDowell, “Damage evolution and failure mechanisms in additively manufactured stainless steel,” Submitted to Materials Science & Engineering: A, 2015.

J.W. Elmer, J. Vaja, R. Pong, T.H. Gooch, H.D. (Barth) Carlton, “The effect of Ar and N2 shielding gas on laser weld porosity in steel, stainless steel, and nickel,” Welding Journal, Accepted 2015.

H. D. (Barth) Carlton, J. Elmer, D. Freeman, R. Schaeffer, O. Derkach, G. Gallegos, “Laser notching ceramics for reliable fracture toughness testing,” J European Ceramic Society, Accepted 2015.

H.D. (Barth) Carlton, J.W. Elmer, Y. Li, M. Pacheco, D. Goyal, D. Y. Parkinson, A.A. MacDowell, “Using synchrotron radiation micro-tomography to investigate multi-scale three-dimensional microelectronic packages,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, Accepted 2015.

King, W. E., Barth, H. D., Castillo, V. M., Gallegos, G. F., Gibbs, J. W., Hahn, D. E., . . . and Rubenchik, A. M., “Observation of keyhole-mode laser melting in laser powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2014).

Duoss, E. B., Weisgraber, T. H., Hearon, K., Zhu, C., Small, W., Metz, T. R., . . . Barth, H.D., … and Wilson, T. S., “Three-Dimensional Printing of Elastomeric, Cellular Architectures with Negative Stiffness,” Advanced Functional Materials (2014).

Elmer, J. W., Li, Y., Barth, H. D., Parkinson, D., Pacheco, M., and Goyal, D., “Synchrotron Radiation Microtomography for Large Area 3D imaging of Multilevel Microelectronic Packages,” accepted for publication in J. Electronic Materials.

Li, Y., Pacheco, M., Goyal, D., Elmer, J. W., Barth, H. D., and Parkinson, D., “High Resolution and Fast Throughput-time X-ray Computed Tomography for Semiconductor Packaging Applications,” 64th IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) (2014).

Barth, H. D., Zimmermann, E. A., Schaible, E., Tang, S. Y., Alliston, T., and Ritchie, R. O., “Characterization of the effects of x-ray irradiation on the hierarchical structure and mechanical properties of human cortical bone,” Biomaterials (2011).

Barth, H. D., Launey, M. E., MacDowell, A. A., Ager III, J. W., and Ritchie, R. O., "On the effect of X-ray irradiation on the deformation and fracture behavior of human cortical bone," Bone (2010).