David Buttler

Portrait of  David Buttler
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David Buttler finished his PhD in 2003 at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is working in the Informatics group at LLNL. His research interests are in information management systems for distributed data. The main challenges he is working with are information discovery, update monitoring, and source selection.


He is a member of ACM and SIGMOD.

David works on these projects: Rapid Exploitation and Analysis of Documents; relevance-based information retrieval; knowledge-based coreference resolution.

B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Alberta in 1998

B.S. in Mathematics from Andrews University in 1995

R.K. Pon, A.F. Cárdenas, and D. Buttler, "Online Selection of Parameters in the Rocchio Algorithm for Identifying Interesting News Articles," presented at 10th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM), Napa Valley, CA, (2008)

R.K. Pon, and Buttler, D. “Metadata Registry, ISO/IEC 11179," Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2008, in press.

D. Buttler. “Java Metadata Facility,” Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2008, in press.

R.K. Pon, A.F. Cárdenas, and D. Buttler, "Improving Naive Bayes with Online Feature Selection for Quick Adaptation to Evolving Feature Usefulness," presented at 2008 SIAM SDM Text Mining Workshop, Atlanta, GA, April 26, 2008.

R.K. Pon, A.F. Cárdenas, and D. Buttler, "Measuring the Interestingness of Articles," Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining (Second Edition), 2008, in press.

R.K. Pon, Cárdenas, A.F., Buttler, D., and Critchlow, T. "Tracking Multiple Topics for Finding Interesting Articles," SIGKDD, August 12-15, San Jose, CA, (2007).

R.K. Pon,  Cárdenas, A.F., Buttler, D., and Critchlow, T. "iScore: Measuring the Interestingness of Articles in a Limited User Environment," presented at IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining 2007, Honolulu, HI, April 1-5, 2007.

C.T. Symons, Samatova, N.F., Krishnamurthy, R., Park, B.H., Umar, T., Buttler, D., Critchlow, T., and Hysom, D. “Multi-Criterion Active Learning in Conditional Random Fields.” Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 13-15 November, Washington, DC, (2006).

L. Liu, Zhang, J., Han, W., Pu, C., Caverlee, J., Park, S., Critchlow, T., Buttler, D. Coleman, M. “XWRAPComposer: A Multi-Page Data Extraction Service.” Inter. J. of Web Services Research 3(2), 33-60 (2006)

Ngu, AHH, Buttler, D, Critchlow, T. "Automatic generation of data types for classification of Deep Web sources", Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 3615, 266 274, (2005).

Liu, L, Zhang, J., Han, W., Pu, C., Caverlee, J., Park, S., Critchlow, T., Coleman, M., Buttler, D. “XWRAPComposer: A Multi-Page Data Extraction Service for Bio-Computing Applications.” IEEE SCC 2005: 271-278 (2005)

Buttler, D., Banks, L. E., Cottom, T., Harsch, T., Hazlett, S., McLoughlin, K., Pitt, J.,  Xin, X., Critchlow, T., Slezak, T., "The BKC BioEncyclopedia Project", Working Together:  R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security, April, Boston, MA  (2005).

Buttler, David. "A Short Survey of Document Similarity Algorithms," IC'04 June 21-24, Las Vegas, NV (2004).

Buttler, David. Daniel Rocco, and Ling Liu. "Efficient Web Change Monitoring with Page Digest," WWW'04, New York, NY (2004).

Caverlee, James, Ling Liu, and David Buttler. "Probe, Cluster, and Discover: Focused Extraction of QA-Pagelets from the Deep Web," ICDE'04, Boston, MA (to appear, 2004).

Altintas, I., S. Bhagwanani, D. Buttler, S. Chandra, Z. Cheng, M. Coleman, T. Critchlow, A. Gupta, W. Han, L. Liu, B. Ludäscher, C. Pu, R. Moore,A. Shoshani, and M. Vouk. "A Modeling and Execution Environment for Distributed Scientific Workflows, 15th Intl Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Boston, MA (2003). http://kbi.sdsc.edu/SciDAC-SDM/p1-ssdbm-demo.pdf

Rocco, Daniel, David Buttler, and Ling Liu. "Page Digest for Large-Scale Web Services," Proc. IEEE Conference on E-Commerce (2003).

Liu, Ling, David Buttler, Terence Critchlow, Wei Han, Henrique Paques, Calton Pu, and Daniel Rocco. "BioZoom: Exploiting Source-Capability Information for Integrated Access to Multiple Bioinformatics Data Sources," Proc.3rd IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (2003). http://disl.cc.gatech.edu/SDM/papers/bibe03.pdf

Buttler, David, Matthew Coleman, Terence Critchlow, Renato Fileto, Wei Han, Calton Pu, Daniel Rocco, and Li Xiong. *Querying Multiple Bioinformatics Information Sources: Can Semantic Web Research Help?," SIGMOD Record, Vol 31, No. 4 (December 2002).

Liu, Ling, Wei Tang, David Buttler, Calton Pu "Information Monitoring on the Web: A Scalable Solution," accepted for publication in World Wide Web Journal (2002).

Buttler, David and Terence Critchlow. "Using Meta-Data to Automatically Wrap Bioinformatics Sources," ACM Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA) Workshop on Objects, XML, and Databases, (October 2001). http://www.cc.gatech.edu/%7Ebuttler/DAML

Han, Wei, David Buttler, and Calton Pu. "Wrapping Web Data into XML," SIGMOD Record, (July 2001). http://www.acm.org/sigmod/record/issues/0109/SPECIAL/han5.pdf

Buttler, David, Ling Liu, Calton Pu, Henrique Paques, Wei Han, and Wei Tang. "OminiSearch," Proc. of ACM-SIGMOD (2001).

Buttler, David, Ling Liu, and Calton Pu. "A Fully Automated Object Extraction System for the World Wide Web," Intl Conf on Distributed Computing Systems (2001).

Buttler, David, Ling Liu, and Calton Pu. Omini: A Fully Automated Object Extraction System for the World Wide Web, Tech Rep No GIT-CC-00-22, Georgia Institute of Technology (2000).

Liu, Ling, Calton Pu, David Buttler, Wei Han, Henrique Paques, and Wei Tang. "AQR-Toolkit: An Adaptive Query Routing Middleware for Distributed Data Intensive Systems," Proc. of ACM-SIGMOD (2000).

Liu, Ling, Calton Pu, Wei Han, David Buttler, and Wei Tang. "Building an Extensible Wrapper Repository System: A Metadata Approach," IEEE Metadata Conf, Bethesda, MD (1999).

Liu, Ling, Calton Pu, Wei Han, David Buttler, and Wei Tang. "An XML-based Software Toolkit for Constructing Data Wrappers," Proc ACM SIGMOD Intl Conf (1999).

Liu, Ling, Calton Pu, Wei Tang, David Buttler, John Biggs, Paul Benninghoff, Wei Han, and Fenghua Yu. "CQ: A Personalized Update Monitoring Toolkit," Proc ACM SIGMOD (1998).