Nathan R. Barton

Portrait of  Nathan R. Barton
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Nathan Barton is the Program Group Leader for Condensed Matter Physics in the Weapon Physics and Design Program. Nathan earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois, graduating summa cum laude in 1996. Nathan’s PhD work was conducted through the Deformation Processes Laboratory at Cornell University, with support from a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship. After completing his PhD, Nathan spent several years at the University of California in San Diego before joining LLNL as a staff member. Nathan’s achievements were recognized in 2017 when he was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society, in 2015 when he was selected to be among the first cohort to receive the LLNL Director's Early- Mid-Career Recognition Award, and through several Defense Programs Award of Excellence certificates.


Nathan's fields of interest center around computational mechanics of materials; with emphasis on multi-scale methods, crystal plasticity, multi-phase materials and phase transformations, dynamic behavior, large-scale computing, and connections to diffraction-based experiments. In addition to his program oversight responsibilities, Nathan remains technically engaged in a variety of activities. Selected publications are listed here – for a more complete listing, see GoogleScholar.

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2001

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL, 1996

Matthew Nelms, Jonathan Lind, Jonathan Margraf, Basim Qamar, Joshua Harrington, Andrew Robinson, Mukul Kumar, and Nathan Barton. “High-rate strength response of tantalum from dynamic hole closure experiments.” Journal of Applied Physics, 132:175102, 2022.

Nathan R. Barton, Darby J. Luscher, Corbett Battaile, Justin L. Brown, Miles Buechler, Leonid Burakovsky, Scott Crockett, Carl Greeff, Ann E. Mattsson, Michael B. Prime, and William J. Schill. “A Multi-Phase Modeling Framework Suitable for Dynamic Applications.” Metals, 12:1844, 2022.

John A. Moore and Nathan R. Barton. “A porosity-based model of dynamic compaction in under-dense materials.” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 111598, 2022.

Michael B. Prime, Athanasios Arsenlis, Ryan A. Austin, Nathan R. Barton, Corbett C. Battaile, Justin L. Brown, Leonid Burakovsky, William T. Buttler, Shuh-Rong Chen, Dana M. Dattelbaum, Saryu J. Fensin, Dawn G. Flicker, George T. Gray, Carl Greeff, David R. Jones, J. Matthew D. Lane, Hojun Lim, D.J. Luscher, Thomas R. Mattsson, James M. McNaney, Hye-Sook Park, Philip D. Powell, Shon T. Prisbrey, Bruce A. Remington, Robert E. Rudd, Sky K. Sjue, and Damian C. Swift. “A Broad Study of Tantalum Strength from Ambient to Extreme Conditions.” Acta Materialia, 117875, 2022.

S. B. Qamar, J. A. Moore, and N. R. Barton. “A continuum damage approach to spallation and the role of microinertia.” Journal of Applied Physics, 131:085901, 2022.

Holly D. Carlton, Nickolai Volkoff-Shoemaker, Mark Messner, Nathan Barton, and Mukul Kumar. “Incorporating defects into model predictions of metal lattice-structured materials”. Materials Science and Engineering A, 142427, 2022.

W. J. Schill, R. A. Austin, K. L. Schmidt, J. L. Brown, and N. R. Barton. “Simultaneous inference of the compressibility and inelastic response of tantalum under extreme loading.” Journal of Applied Physics, 130:055901, 2021.

W. Schill, R. Austin, J. Brown, and N. Barton. “Anelasticity and Phase Transition During Ramp-Release in Tin.” Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 7:207-216, 2021.

Saransh Singh, Donald E. Boyce, Joel V. Bernier, and Nathan R. Barton. “Discrete spherical harmonic functions for texture representation and analysis.” Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53, 2020.

Jonathan Lind, Matthew D. Nelms, Andrew K. Robinson, Mukul Kumar, and Nathan R. Barton. “Examining material constitutive response under dynamic compression and large plastic strains using in situ imaging of hole closure.” Acta Materialia, 206:116584, 2021.

Nicholas R. Scott, Matthew D. Nelms, and Nathan R. Barton. “Assessment of reverse gun Taylor cylinder experimental configuration.” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 149:103772, 2021.

Luis A. Zepeda-Ruiz, Alexander Stukowski, Tomas Oppelstrup, Nicolas Bertin, Nathan R. Barton, Rodrigo Freitas, and Vasily V. Bulatov. “Atomistic insights into metal hardening.” Nature Materials, 20:315–320, 2020.

Nathan R. Barton, Ryan A. Austin, Justin L. Brown, and Moono Rhee. “Anelastic Effects on Reverse Loading – Connection to Evolving Dislocation Structure.” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2272, 2020.

Jonathan Margraf and Nathan Barton. “Shear Band Insertion for Capturing Strain Localization.” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2272:070031, 2020.

Jason Bernstein, Kathleen Schmidt, David Rivera, Nathan Barton, Jeffrey Florando, and Ana Kupresanin. “A comparison of material flow strength models using Bayesian cross-validation.” Computational Materials Science, 169:109098, 2019.

Mark C. Messner, Ricardo A. Lebensohn, Eloisa Zepeda-Alarcon, and Nathan R. Barton. “A Method for Including Diffusive Effects in Texture Evolution.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 125:785-804, 2019.

Nathan R. Barton, Robert A. Carson, and Steven R Wopschall. ECMech. DOI: 10.11578/dc.20190809.2,, 2018.

Brett M. Wayne and Nathan R. Barton. SNLS. DOI:10.11578/dc.20181217.9,, 2018.

John A. Moore, Shiu Fai Li, Moon Rhee, and Nathan R. Barton. “Modeling the Effects of Grain and Porosity Structure on Copper Spall Response.” Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials. 4:464-480, 2018.

Darren C. Pagan, Paul A. Shade, Nathan R. Barton, Jun-Sang Park, Peter Kenesei, David B. Menasche, and Joel V. Bernier. “Modeling Slip System Strength Evolution in Ti-7Al Informed by In-Situ Grain Stress Measurements.” Acta Materialia, 128:406-417, 2017.

J.A. Moore, N.R. Barton, J. Florando, R. Mulay, and M. Kumar. “Crystal plasticity modeling of beta phase deformation in Ti-6Al-4V.” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering25:075007, 2017.

M.C. Messner, M. Rhee, A. Arsenlis, and N.R. Barton. “A crystal plasticity model for slip in hexagonal close packed metals based on discrete dislocation simulations.” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering25:044001, 2017.

N.R. Barton. “Results from a new Cocks-Ashby style porosity model.” AIP Conference Proceedings1793:100029, 2017.

H.D. Carlton, J. Lind, M. Messner, N. Volkoff-Shoemaker, H. Barnard, N.R. Barton, and M. Kumar. “Mapping Local Deformation Behavior in Single Cell Metal Lattice Structures.” Acta Materialia129:239–250, 2017.

S.A. Chester, J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, L. Balogh, B. Clausen, and J.K. Edmiston. “Direct numerical simulation of deformation twinning in polycrystals.” Acta Materialia120:348–363, 2016.

J.A. Hawreliak, J. Lind, B. Maddox, M. Barham, M. Messner, N. Barton, B.J. Jensen, and M. Kumar. “Dynamic Behavior of Engineered Lattice Materials.” Scientific Reports28094, 2016.

M.C. Messner, M.I. Barham, M. Kumar, and N.R. Barton. “Wave propagation in equivalent continuums representing truss lattice materials.” International Journal of Solids and Structures73–74:55–66, 2015.

R.A. Austin, N.R. Barton, J.E. Reaugh, and L.E. Fried. “Direct numerical simulation of shear localization and decomposition reactions in shock-loaded HMX crystal.” Journal of Applied Physics117:185902, 2015. Cover article and editor’s pick.

H.-S. Park, R. E. Rudd, R. M. Cavallo, N. R. Barton, A. Arsenlis, J. L. Belof, K. J. M. Blobaum, B. S. El-dasher, J. N. Florando, C. M. Huntington, B. R. Maddox, M. J. May, C. Plechaty, S. T. Prisbrey, B. A. Remington, R. J. Wallace, C. E. Wehrenberg, M. J. Wilson, A. J. Comley, E. Giraldez, A. Nikroo, M. Farrell, G. Randall, and G. T. Gray III. “Grain Size Independent Plastic Flow at Ultra-high Pressures and Strain Rates.” Physical Review Letters114:065502, 2015.

N.R. Barton, J.V. Bernier, R.A. Lebensohn, and D.E. Boyce. “The use of discrete harmonics in direct multi-scale embedding of polycrystal plasticity.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering283:224–242, 2015.

N.R. Barton, M. Rhee, S.F. Li, J.V. Bernier, M. Kumar, J.F. Lind, and J.F. Bingert. “Using high energy diffraction microscopy to assess a model for microstructural sensitivity in spall response.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series500:112007, 2014.

N.R. Barton, and M. Rhee. “A multiscale strength model for tantalum over an extended range of strain rates.” Journal of Applied Physics114:123507, 2013.

J.N. Florando, N.R. Barton, B.S. El-Dasher, J.M. McNaney, and M. Kumar. “Analysis of deformation twinning in tantalum single crystals under shock loading conditions.” Journal of Applied Physics113:083522, 2013.

N.R. Barton, A. Arsenlis, and J. Marian. “A polycrystal plasticity model of strain localization in irradiated iron.” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids61:341-351, 2013.

N.R. Barton, and J.V. Bernier. “A Method for Intragranular Orientation and Lattice Strain Distribution Determination.” Journal of Applied Crystallography45:1145-1155, 2012.

N.R. Barton, J.V. Bernier, R. Becker, A. Arsenlis, R. Cavallo, J. Marian, M. Rhee, H.-S. Park, B. Remington, and R.T. Olson. “A multi-scale strength model for extreme loading conditions.” Journal of Applied Physics109:073501, 2011.

N.R. Barton, J.V. Bernier, J. Knap, A.J. Sunwoo, E. Cerreta, T.J. Turner. “A call to arms for task parallelism in multi-scale materials modeling.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering86:744-764, 2011.

J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, U. Lienert, and M.P. Miller. “Far-field high energy diffraction microscopy: A tool for intergranular orientation and strain analysis.” The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design46(7):527–547, 2011.

U. Lienert, S.F. Li, C.M. Hefferan, J. Lind, R.M. Suter, J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, M.C. Brandes, M.J. Mills, M.P. Miller, B. Jakobsen, and W. Pantleon. “High-energy diffraction microscopy at the advanced photon source.” JOM-J. Min. Met. Mat. S., 63(7):70–77, 2011.

H.R. Wenk, N.R. Barton, M. Bortolotti, S. Vogel, M. Voltolini, G. Lloyd, and G. Gonzalez. “Dauphiné twinning and texture memory in polycrystalline quartz Part 3: Texture memory during phase transformation.” Physics and Chemistry of Minerals36(10):567–583, 2009.

N.R. Barton, N.W. Winter, and J.E. Reaugh. “Defect evolution and pore collapse in crystalline energetic materials.” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering17:035003, 2009. Selected for the MSMSE Highlights of 2009 collection.

N.R. Barton, J.V. Bernier, R.A. Lebensohn, and A.D. Rollett. Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, chapter 11: Direct 3D simulation of plastic flow from EBSD data. Springer, second edition, 2009. ISBN 978-0387881355.

N.R. Barton, J. Knap, A. Arsenlis, R. Becker, R.D. Hornung, and D.R. Jefferson. “Embedded polycrystal plasticity and adaptive sampling.” International Journal of Plasticity24:242-266, 2008.

J. Knap, N.R. Barton, R.D. Hornung, A. Arsenlis, R. Becker, and D.R. Jefferson. “Adaptive sampling in hierarchical simulation.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering76:572-600, 2008.

J.V. Bernier, N.R. Barton, and J. Knap. “Polycrystal plasticity based predictions of strain localization in metal forming.” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology130(2):021020, 2008.

N.R. Barton and H.R. Wenk. “Dauphiné twinning in polycrystalline quartz.” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering15:369–394, 2007.

A. Arsenlis, N.R. Barton, R. Becker, and R.E. Rudd. “Generalized in situ adaptive tabulation for constitutive model evaluation in plasticity.” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering196:1–13, 2006.

N.R. Barton, D.J. Benson, and R. Becker. “Crystal level continuum modeling of phase transformations: the alpha to epsilon transformation in iron.” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering13:707-731, 2005.

N.R. Barton, D.J. Benson, and R. Becker. “Crystal level simulations using Eulerian finite element methods.” AIP Conference Proceedings, 712(1):1624–1629, 2004.

N.R. Barton, D.E. Boyce, and P.R. Dawson. “Pole figure inversion using finite elements over Rodrigues space.” Textures and Microstructures35(2):113–144, 2002.

N.R. Barton and P.R. Dawson. “On the spatial arrangement of lattice orientations in hot-rolled multiphase titanium.” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering9:433–463, 2001.

N.R. Barton, P.R. Dawson, and M.P. Miller. “Yield strength asymmetry predictions from polycrystal elastoplasticity.” Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 121:230–239, 4 1999.

  • Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2017. "For diverse contributions in computational materials science in support of national security interests, especially related to novel state variable descriptions for material response under both static and dynamic conditions."
  • Selected in the first cohort of Director's Early-Mid Career Recognition Award at LLNL, 2015.
  • Defense Programs Award of Excellence for National Security Experiments at HPCAT, 2021.
  • Defense Programs Award of Excellence for Plutonium and Pit Aging Program, 2021.
  • Defense Programs Award of Excellence to the Tri-Lab Tantalum Strength Team, 2018.
  • Defense Programs Award of Excellence to the 2015 L1 Reuse Milestone Team, 2017.
  • National Science Foundation graduate fellowship, 1996.